Welcome To The Realm

Monday, March 14, 2016

Realm Komiks Prequel: New Worlds Chapter 16: Abducted

Chapter 16:

Susan’s eyes flutter open as she tries to gain consciousness. She struggles to find her fingers through the numbness of her body, realizing her wrist are contained against her will. Her back is flat, but her eyes are still a blur as she struggles to make sense of where she is at and what is happening.

Voices are muffled in her head as she grapples to translate the sounds into words. She shuts her eyes tightly, trying to gain control of her body.

“I’m not finding anything in her DNA.” She translates a male’s voice into words.

Clicking noise. What was that clicking noise?

Her brain quickly scans her memories.

Computer. It’s a computer.

“She might be waking up soon. We need to make choices.” A female voice announces. “Should we deliver her?”

‘Deliver her?’ Where was she? What did that woman mean?

Susan slowly pries her eyes open again. The blurriness is slowly clearing, trying to find focus on the items in the room. Two people are in the room that she can make out. One sits at a computer and the other stands behind him, their backs toward her.

She pulls hers abs toward her feet. Confined; Straps are around her ankles and wrist. She lays her head back against the bed and watches as the man plugs things against the computer. The woman’s body begins to turn around and Susan quickly closes her eyes.

“She’s still out. Do you release her? What about the other woman?” The woman asks.

Oh my gosh! They have my aunt!

Her eyes swell at the thought, quickly replaced by a sense of rage as she begins to remember the abduction. 

My mom? Do they have my mom? Who was that woman that looked like my mom… it wasn’t my mom…

“I’ll look at the test results. If they are negative as well, let’s release them together.” The man decides.

Susan breathes deeply, sneaking a peek through her eyelids as he stands up from the computer.

“Blain,” the woman stops him, using the man’s name.

“Yes?” he answers her.

“Prepare yourself; if more tests are needed on the women. They might not want to release them yet.” The woman warns.

Susan tries not to panic.

More test? What kind of test?

 She struggles to silence and calm her breathing. She needs to find out a much as she can before showing consciousness.

Be smart Susan. Figure out what is happening here.

She tries to walk her mind through the events.

The sound of the door opening and then shutting softly echoes the room. She peaks toward the computer, trying to find the woman but the woman’s body no longer is visible.

Think Susan. Think.

She preps herself, finding strength to take a gamble and try to sit her body back up. Opening her eyes and scanning the room, it is empty. It appears to be an examining room. Doctor tools sprawled out on silver trays lining a counter, lights are dim, and the high tech computer screen flashes alive with graphs and percentages.

She stares down at her wrist and legs again, pulling against the restraints, desperately trying to free herself.

Footsteps begin to echo outside the door and she quickly rest her head back to the bed shutting her eyes.

The door opens.

“Put her in the room with her Aunt. When they wake, we’ll move them to a holding, until further instruction is given.” The woman instructs.

“Yes. Mam,” the new male voice agrees.

Susan listens as two clicks are given and the gurney begins to roll, the door eventually shutting behind them.  The lights appear brighter through her closed eyelids as she struggles to hold them tightly shut against her instincts.

Play opossum Susan…play opossum.

She continues to try to direct herself, while listening to the surroundings around her, but before she can make any plans she feels the gurney stop. The man was unstrapping her legs.

He’s unstrapping me! He’s unstrapping me.

Her legs loosen against the restraints, quickly free and he moves himself to her hands. She hears a door open in the process.

Is there two people? There might be more people. Do I go? Do I run?

As her mind is racing with questions, her body is intensely filling with adrenaline and when the last strap completely frees her, she flings her body forward off the gurney and begins to run.

The hallways are brightly lit, doors lining the halls…

Where do I go? Where do I go?

Susan begins to panic as footsteps echo behind her. She slams her body against a door trying to find a way out, jiggling the knob… panic heavily descending upon… suddenly; a hand slams against the small window.

 “Help!” screeches a voice from the other side of the door as the hand continues to slam against the glass.

Susan’s body almost falls to the floor as she pushes, her back pummeling against the wall, giving her a swift preview of the man coming down the hall toward her.
His bald head and black clothing are almost a blur as she pushes her feet against the tile, pounding back down the hall.

The hall finally branches; she can choose to go left or right, swiftly choosing right, almost sliding against the floor. The hallway has fewer doors and becomes dimmer. An exit sign is lit red against above an escape; her legs suddenly feel they are moving at a more urgent speed, her arms already forward, anticipating the relief to enter through the other side.

Her hands slam against the bar, it flying open and slamming against the wall behind it. Stairs; lots of stairs; only going up. Involuntarily her head swings behind her, searching for the man that is running after her. She has no visual but hears his shoes echoing down the hall. Susan struggles to focus for a brief moment; breathes heavy, sweat slowly forming among her temples, her body launches towards the steps, legs skipping over every other step as she charges up them.

She finally pauses on the third set, catching her breath briefly, noticing footsteps   charging up behind her. Multiple footsteps now; there are more people coming for her. Pausing, her head reaches up the middle of the staircase, finding the exit doors leading to new levels, knowing choosing one is a game of roulette. Continuing, hammering against the stairs, towards the top. Her body is becoming heavier, and the realization of the adrenaline working hard against her heart is more evident.

She decides to exit the next door, trying to keep her eyes sharp, and her head clear. The door slams hard against the wall as she tears through; another lit hallway, appearing more like an office building than a science lab. She decides to hide. She needs to catch her breath and grab her head around the situation. She needs to observe her surroundings and figure out where to go next.

She flings her body down a hallway; vaguely hearing steps behind her, door slamming open behind her, as they finally make to the exit. Her time was limited. First door locked. Second door locked. Third door…OPENS.

She runs in the large room, between a conference room and office perhaps. It is darker, the lights dim. She slams the door behind her and turns around… but something is staring back at her.

“Oh my God!” she gasps, her body walking backwards toward the door.

The creature is gray, thin, large head, wide black eyes. Staring dumbfounded at her. “Who are you?” it murmurs in a low throaty gurgle.

Her hands struggle to find the knob, “Wrong place.” She stutters, flinging the door open and running back out.

But men were there. Waiting for her. Black suits, black glasses, barricading her escape. She quickly turns to run the other way, but a woman stands there, her eyes… a deep violet… “You?” Susan gasps. “Your eyes! It was you!” she screams running toward the woman.

The door pops open from the side as the stereotyped creature pops his head out, observing the situation.

The woman grabs at Susan’s arms when she struggles to push her body passed the figure. Susan flings herself violently against the woman as the men close in on her.
“Let go!” Susan screams. “Let go!”

“You’re making it worse!” the woman yells back her.

She suddenly feels her arms contained by the two strong men, and then…. Dizzy…

“Don’t drug me again! Get off of me!” she demands, feeling the screams vibrating against her vocal cords.

Then darkness.


Susan lifts her head parallel to her sitting body, her hands free in her lap. She focuses her eyes in the area, reminding her of an integration room she has witnessed in the movies.

“Good you’re awake.” The deep voice announces coming through a door,  letting it shut behind him.

His face is long, his eyes almost hallow in his sockets, and the room shades his face as he stands near the corner of the room, dressed in professional black suit and tie, little left for expression.

Susan tries to find her voice and thoughts among the silence of the room. She has so many questions, anger, confusion but sits quietly, waiting for his lead.

“You’ve put us in a difficult situation, Susan Smith.” He announces sliding his tall, stalky body into the seat across from her, a thin metal table between them now.

Her eyes follow him as his fingers clasp between each other, making a fist resting on the table top. 

“You were to be released after brief questioning. You have complicated things by running.” He dryly informs her.

She stays quiet, her eyes staring deep at him, trying to figure out exactly who or what he is. His appearance is so human, but his eyes are foreign, unlike any human eyes she’d have ever seen.

“Do you want to explain to me what you have witnessed at your attempted release?” he probes.

She slowly shakes her head, still not finding her voice. She isn’t sure if it is because she chooses to not speak or is simply speechless.

He sets a vanilla folder on the table, as if it appeared from nowhere, and slides it towards her.

Susan looks at it briefly and then him.

“Open it.” He instructs.

She flexes her fingers in her lap and slowly moves her hand to the table top, a bit shaky, finding her tips against the vanilla cardboard and flipping it open.

Lots of words, but as her eyes focus on the computer print she reads: her name, her birthdate, address and sees pictures of herself. Her eyes find him for a brief moment as she flips the paper over, seeing more pictures of her home. Flipping again she finds random pictures of Dan and Janet on the boat, information on their birthdays, Dan’s family…

She gasps and her breathing becomes heavy, her eyes find him again trying to find explanations.

“We’ve been following you and your family for a while, you simplified it by coming to us.” He informs her.

Susan shakes her head in denial, “What is going on?” Her hands find her forehead, pushing the hair away, now shielding her eyes. 

“Susan Smith, you tell me what is going on.” He demands matter of fact.

“I don’t know!” she exclaims exasperated, pulling her hands and slamming them to the table. “I don’t know what’s going on!” she screams louder, pushing away from the table.

“Mrs. Smith, calm down or we will need to sedate you.” He warns.

She struggles to control her breathing and grab her bearings, pulling her seat back into the table she slowly speaks, “For me this is a really bad dream.” Closing her eyes for a moment and then opening them, seeing the strange face in front of her, forcing her brain to process the entirety of the situation, “Sir…?” she begins, searching for permission to speak.

“Agent XXG, Mrs. Smith.” He introduces.

“Okay…” she answers confusingly, “Agent XXG, please walk in my shoes for a moment. Please think when you were a normal person, hopefully at one time in your life you have experienced this?” she tries to search his deep sockets for answers.

His hallow dark eyes almost blink at her but he says nothing as he stares back.

The silence haunts the room for a brief moment until he shifts the conversation, “Tell me what you now of your mother and descendants.”

Her head double takes in a moment of confusion, then realization, “Where is my Aunt? Where is my mother?”

“Your Aunts have been released and are at home.” He confirms.

‘Aunts’? They had both of my aunts?

She feels the dryness of her throat when she swallows. “Where’s my mother?” her voice slightly breaks.

“You need water.” He insists. He walks towards the door and waits for a moment as water is slid through a hidden compartmental.

He hands her the bottle of water. She hesitates for a moment, but parched, she quickly breaks the seal and chugs the bottle water, crinkling as she pulls the last drop against the air, and then setting the empty bottle on the table.

He waits for a moment before peaking again. “Mrs. Smith, I need you to cooperate and tell me what you have learned of your family history.” Agent XXG reminds her.

She takes a deep breath annoyed, “I didn’t learn anything, it was interrupted when I was abducted by…what is this? Some secret government organization?” she snaps.

“We need you to volunteer to bring your daughter in for brief testing. Will you cooperate?” Agent XXG dryly asks.

“What?” she whispers from under her breath. “What?” she now ask louder with confusion. “Bring my daughter to you? Here? For test?”

“That is correct, Mrs. Smith. We would like your cooperation.” He confirms.

“My cooperation?” Susan’s eyes narrow against her forehead as she tries to make sense of his request. “I don’t even know what I was tested for. Why would I bring my daughter to this scary place?” the words blurt out of her mouth as she is once again trying to process the situation.

The man leans in across the table, “Mrs. Smith, I’m going to disclose openly. You have a potential to genetically pass on the DNA of your mother and grandfather.”

“What are you talking about you?” she demands.

“What you would refer to as alien DNA, mam.” He pauses and then gazes up to her, almost with a murmur he announces, “We are going to do the test even if you do not give permission. I suggest you cooperate; it will be easier on your daughter to have her mother involved.”

Susan begins to panic.

Think Susan. Think. Calm down and think.

“I’ll do it.” She quickly announces. “I’ll do it. I’ll cooperate. Just let me go. Just let me go get her.” She finds her desperately pleading now.

The tall lengthy man in black pushes the chair away from the table and stands up, “Well done, Mrs. Smith. You will be pleased you have cooperated. Can I trust you to follow me, without trying to run, after all, there is nowhere for you to run to out here.”

She hesitantly nods her head, pushing her chair away from the table in defeat.

“Splendid, Mrs. Smith. Follow me.” Agent XXG grimaces as the door unlocks from the other side, opening before them.

Read Chapter 17: Finding Purpose
 Chapter 17: Finding Purpose

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Realm Komiks Prequel: New Worlds Chapter 15: Divobite'

Chapter 15:

Moons multiple adjacent glow against the gray sky, dancing among the twinkling stars, faintly bringing light to the city; Dark buildings peak to the sky rising toward the stars, but none reach higher than the silver tower leaning toward the ginger moon. Tonight the sky is clear, little clouds to cover the twilight that burns against the building’s tips. The city is busy; hustle and bustle of a town where sleep is not needed.     

Over the city’s backdrop sits a large mansion, perched on a hillside, appearing only miles away with its girth, yet actually mountains and roads from the city. Queen Sultana prefers to live in the foothills above her people; this gives her peace of mind, still being able to peer out a window, watching from a distance, protection from being a part of their everyday lives.  She does however; keep her close confidants among her, in the same household.

Her steps echo through the halls as her heals stomp against the wood floor, her hips swaying to the beat, head held high ready for confrontation. Her journeys have been long and mentally draining, and her arrival home is displeasing with the opening news she has received.

Her palm shoves on a nearby door as her hand turns the nob with the other, thrusting the door open widely, striking the wall as she barrels in. Two women fling their naked bodies off the side, of the silk bed, revealing Euguen’s naked body, sprawled over the bed. Her eyes meet his with flare, but he simply smirks at her with a soft chuckle, sending Sultana’s furry over edge.  Her body flings on top of his, in one motion, straddling him, her fingers dug into the pulse of his neck, pushing his head to the pillow.

“Didn’t know you liked to play so rough,” he taunts.

“Out of here!” she hisses toward the women as they grab their articles of clothing and quickly scurry out the door.

Her eyes stay strapped on him as he softly gulps from the nails clenched in his neck; still managing to mock her as he breaks out a devious smile.

“I’m tempted to break your neck right now.” She threats, “let you die with that wretched smirk upon your face.”

“But you won’t, my love.” He manages to choke out as her hand grasp tighter unknowingly.

“You go against my orders and manage to weasel your naked ass into my home…” she begins but he cordially interrupts her.

“With a pulse, I might add.” He boasts his eyes trying to find hers as she pushes his head deeper into the pillow.

Her anger pumps through every muscle of her body as she grows tighter against his throat “Think about your next words; pray they will spare your life. Currently… I only wish to crack your neck and feed your worthless bodies to the street rats.”

He struggles to pull her hand away from his throat as she clamps harder, almost completely obstructing his wind pipe. “I’ve brought more of my government to our side,” he manages to choke out.

She loosens her grip slightly while maintaining her position, “You think you are able to recruit allies without seeking my permission? That this information gives you a “right” to be invasive on my territory?” Her face grows closer to his as she continues to spit words in his face, her nails growing fiercer in his skin, “You “scheme” your way into my home and believe should spare your life due to irrelevant information you had no permission to obtain?”

“It gives me leverage as one of your pawns,” he grapples against her strength, “If my allies hear nothing from me, your liability will become obsolete and you untrustworthy. They may even inform…” his voice echoes clearer in the room as she releases him, one last shove into the fluff of the bed, before removing her hovered body toward the side.

“Not another word of your ruse.” She snaps.

“I thought you would be thrilled of my news.” He smirks toward her, resting his hand on her shoulder and stroking her back.

She shoves his arm away from her. “Don’t patronize me. I’ve had enough games.”

“My future Queen...” He taunts leaning in and gently pecks his lips against her shoulder. “My beautiful future Queen,” he whispers from under his breath, sliding his fingers down her shoulder toward her breast.

Her eyes shift in annoyance as his fingers begin to caress under her breast and she suddenly yanks his arm to her mouth, plunging her fangs into his salty skin. He howls in pain from the unsuspected puncture, grasping firmer against his arm with her penetrating teeth.  She sucks at his arm hungrily as he struggles to push her away with his naked body. “Stop!” he pleas “Stop! You’re making a mistake.”

She lets his cries roll off her as he begins to become light headed and struggles to keep consciousness.  “They won’t trust you…” he whimpers

She flings her eyes open and takes control of her blood hunger, releasing his arm quickly and letting it thud against the bed, wiping the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand, leaving evidence upon her cheek. “That was invigorating.” She grins wickedly. “I forgot how deliciously sweet human blood is against the tongue.” Her head turns toward him as he breathes heavily, grasping his arm against his naked chest, inhaling deeply against his shallow breathing.

“Did you turn me into…” he wonders through the dizziness surrounding his head.

“I nearly killed you.” She boasts. “I had a faint change of heart, however, as you still may prove to be valuable. Get your clothes on and Ambrogino will collect you.”

“I can barely move.” He whispers from under his breathe.

“That’s you’re dilemma. Be there in ten or prove yourself unworthy.” She commands, pulling herself off the bed toward the door.


Sultana lounges against the smoky gray sofa that arches across from another, divided by a crimson hour glass coffee table. Her arm perches on a scarlet pillow as the other pillows of scarlet and charcoal are perfectly aligned on the empty cushions. A large fireplace crackles in the middle of the room, allowing subtle warmth into the chilled area.  Leeke pushes his large body against the couch while Sultana mindlessly strokes his ear.

In this moment her greatest confidant sits across from her. Lucius is her prodigy and she takes pride of the creation and warrior he has come to be. He is the strongest warrior on the planet of Divobite’, his strength of a Gladiator God and his wit of Newton, he could most certainly triumph over Sultana if he had chosen to do so.  Yet, the loyalty he holds for his chosen queen is certainly not anything that he would willingly betray.

“The army is ready. I have chosen to recruit locals. There are hundreds who’d like the opportunity to reign the Earth. Many feel of unfinished business when driven off the planet.” He pushes his long black hair off of his dark skin and lets it float off the back of the couch. His piercing electric blue eyes follow her hand as she pulls it away from the Rottweiler, pressing it against her own cheek. Leeke gives a slight nudge to her arm, as she sits still in thought; she allows it to return to his head and continues the mundane petting.

“You’re Majesty?”  He searches for her thoughts feeling her unresponsive, “You are quiet tonight.”

“It’s quiet”she finally chimes in, “I haven’t heard the sounds of silence in weeks. Since I, since we,” she corrects herself, “Have chosen to move forward, unraveling our plans… I haven’t allowed myself to simply rest.” Her eyes meet his with some uncertainty.

“Are these doubts passing your lips?” Lucius rises from the couch and gently sits next to Sultana.

Sultana sighs, removing her hand off of Leeke she places it over Lucius’ knee. “No.” she simply says with a faint grin, “I’m not.” She pauses for a moment, allowing for her dramatic conclusion. With a deeper sigh she gazes into his piercing eyes, “Has it occurred to you that we might not come out of this alive, Lucius?”

“We will not lose this battle, my Queen.” He quickly assures her.

“I don’t think we will.” She agrees, “That does not mean we will survive to tell of the glories. Does not mean I will survive. You my loyal friend,” her hand caresses against his cheek as the bottom of her palm settles into his chin, “You, I have no doubt, will survive.”

His hands quickly wraps around hers, pulling her into him, “As I have no doubts of your survival.”

“You’re too good to me.” She faintly remarks.

“You are the only one I am good to.” He softly teases.

“True.” She agrees with a smirk as she pulls herself away from his soft grasp and walks toward the enchanting fire, with Leeke close on her heals. “I admire our soft sides for each other.” She discloses her head slightly owled toward him.  “I witnessed Vladimir’s end. I do not sleep; Yet I have nightmares, the images haunt me. He was everything I had, everything I wanted and…” she pauses for a moment, deciding to change direction, “Lucius, if I do come to an end, of course I want you to be King.”

“Yes, your majesty, I understand this.” He rises to his feet and walks closer to her, still making sure to give her some space.

“You will be king over two planets; and Earth will continue to have battles every day.  The battles will never stop. Here, it is peaceful; there we will be in constant war. Assure you understand the dynamics?”

“You speak as if I’ve never inhabitant the planet.” He says matter of fact.

She turns toward him, “Yes well…”

“Your majesty,” he approaches closer to her gently placing her cold hand into his, “A majority of us have inhabitant the planet, have we not? While some feel safe on Divobite`, will never want to leave, most of us are homesick. Earth was our home, but humans have skewed our image. They live in fear of what they don’t understand. They kill what they fear and even take pride upon it. I feel ashamed that I was ever human on that planet. What we know now is valuable. We will apply it to the planet, stop mass production, and use our survival mechanism, preserving our home of origin. We will keep those useful and rid of the week.”

“Does that include the children?” a sultry voice enters down the wide stairway into the grand room, Leeke’s ears perking up as he notices her.

Sultana and Lucius turn their heads to see Dominious’ tall lengthy body coming down the stairs. Her hand slides against the banister with each step, heals soft against the white carpet. Lucius drops Sultana’s hands and turns his attention toward the new body.

“I don’t see a need for children.” He admits very flatly.

Sultana sleeks her body toward the stairway. “Glad you finally decided to join.”

“Yes, well I had to escort our maids off the premises, after your new recruit chose to add them in his ploy. They no longer exist. We will need a new cleaning crew, of course.” Dominious announces as her foot lands to the floor.

“This isn’t a place for idiosyncrasy. Thank you for taking care of the situation.” Sultana nods with approval.

“Of course.” She agrees.

Lucius eyes her as she faintly grins past them and heads to a spot on the couch, fluffing the charcoal pillow next to her. “So I missed the whole ‘taking over the Earth conversation?’”

“We were merely starting.” Sultana takes a seat across from Dominious, Leeke following back against Sultana’s side.

Dominious is who Sultana would most likely consider her best friend in a human world. She fought alongside of her during Vladimir’s battle, her soul slightly more gentle than Sultana’s could ever be. After a moment of hesitation Leeke slowly walks toward Dominious pushing his body against her; the only other vampire he gravitates toward.

Lucius eyes Dominious and quickly states, “Dominious you will not let children interfere with our greater plan.”

Dominious raises her brow, “Is that a question or a statement?”

“Clearly it is a statement.” Lucius grunts walking toward the fire.

Sultana watches the two,  knowing that Lucius is correct, slightly worried that her dear friend may use poor judgement. “War is not a time to be sentimental, Dominious.”

Her eyes shift toward Leeke who she begins to engage with. “Look how good a dog you are.” She babies him.  As she lifts her head, her eyes meet Sultana and Lucius, who continue to hold their glare. 

“Lovelies!” a voice echoes in from the right where a large arch decorates an additional entrance to the grand room.

“Figaro!” Dominious hops from her seat and runs into his arms. He pulls her in, passionately kissing her.

Sultana rolls her eyes, shifting them toward Lucius who doesn’t attempt to hide his aggravation. Figaro has some way weaseled his way to the top order through Dominious’ heart. He is scrawny and pompous and neither Sultana nor Lucius care for him. He’d most likely have been obliterated if he came in their presence alone, before ever winning Dominious for protection.

“What have I missed?” he announces grandly as he pulls Dominious next to him and takes a seat on the couch, pulling her almost on top of him.

“Impossible to miss an event you were not welcomed.” Lucius says flatly.

“Oh, of course you were invited.” Dominious reminds them, “I invited him.”

“Of course you did.” Sultana sighs with frustration.

“I want you two to know that I’m definitely on board with taking our Mother Earth back. I’m ready to fight for the cause.” His long curly blonde hair reminds Sultana of a clown.

“I would like you to give us something important to do together.” Dominious announces as she beams at Figaro.

Lucius rubs the brow above his eyes peering at Sultana. “A word, Majesty?”

“Of course.” She stands up joining Lucius at the fire. Dominious widely grins at her, then engages herself with Figaro.

“I highly suggest we have them gather up the children and mothers. Let them believe they will take them to safety; it will be an easier demise; this will also keep Dominious and Figaro out of our way. Dominious will believe in the task and fully engage herself.  Once we have the war under control, we send some of my army to rid the mother and children, take Figaro with them, as if an accident, and return Dominious safely to this planet.” His eyes fall deep into Sultana, his lip slightly twitches as she collects the blueprints in her thoughts.

“Dominious will be horrified and heartbroken of my lies.” Sultana’s forehead burrows as she contemplates the consequences.

“Perhaps, soften the blow by allowing her to turn one of the children; make it her own. The most well behaved, of course. Perhaps, let the law slide and give her the one treasure she could never have. She will forgive and also forget him.” He says slightly bouncing his eyes off of Figaro.

“Vampire Children are so destructive and temperamental, but perhaps the correct age range could bring the possibility.  Let us move forward with that plan.” Sultana nods with agreement. They turn toward Dominious and Figaro who quickly become silent and await their commands.

“We’ve decided…” Sultana begins with an interruption from the arch way.

“Queen Sultana,” Ambrogino’s voice echoes the room pulling the energy toward him. “Euguen is ready.”

Leeke’s notices the extra body and stands up with a snarl. “Leeke.” Sultana snaps and the dog quickly pipes down. She gravitates toward the archway where Eugeun stands pale and week.
“Queen.” He tries to smirk.  Sultana slaps him as his lip tries to curl. Her palm striking his cheek loudly, causing Dominious to startle unexpectedly. “Leave us.” Sultana demands of her confidant; then turning toward Lucius she adds, “I will assume you will continue our conversation with these two?”

“Of course, Majesty. “ He agrees, “Let us find another room shall we?” he asks leading the duo toward the staircase. Lucius gives Sultana one last nod before following them upstairs.

“Sit.” Sultana demands to Euguen.

Euguen eyes Sultana, dragging his heavy body to the couch. His arm is bandaged tightly; his white collared shirt is partially unbutton and hanging over his trouser pants. A grunt falls from his diaphragm when his bottom hits the couch cushion.

“You had those women killed. You instructed them to make me comfortable.” He tries to remind her.

“On YOUR planet,” she clarifies, “Not bring you to mine.

“What’s the difference? We’ll be sharing them soon enough.” he decides.

Sharing them?” she scoffs, “You’d merely be existences of them.” She sizes him up while circling  the couch, pausing when she is standing over him. Ambrogino reenters the room, handing Sultana a vile before exiting. “What is that?” he nervously asks.

“You made a huge mistake, didn’t you?” she taunts him lowering herself on the coffee table across from him.

“I suppose I did.” He quivers from under his breathe.

“Do you really think you have any authority in this game?” She questions him as if he is small child learning an important lesson.

“At the time…” he begins and gazes into her eyes, “I thought I wasn’t merely a pawn. I suppose I was mistaken.”

“I have the power to destroy you at any time. You are alive because I’m letting you stay alive. Don’t forget that.” She demands.

“I feel like I’m dying. I don’t know if I will…” he begins.

“Drink this.” She hands him the vile.

“What is it?” he questions.

“Does it matter at this point of time?”  Her eyebrows rise to her forehead as a smirk slides across her face, highlighting the fangs between her bright red lips.

He takes a deep breathe, removes the lid and shoots the drink down his throat. The burn against his throat makes him cringe as he manages to get it down. His body suddenly exhales, pushing air deeply through his mouth into the open room; color returns to his pale body, his heart pumping the blood swiftly to every limb. “Oh my, God,” he whispers from under his breathe, “I feel… I feel…” he stutters as he removes the bandage and his wound has disappeared. “Wow. I’m… Wow.” He is lost for words as he gazes to Sultana who watches his recovery. “What is that? It’s amazing! What we could do with something like that!”

Sultana slyly smirks and stands up from the table. “Ambrogino will make sure you return home safely. Don’t screw up again.”

He nods his head as Ambrogino appears in the archway. “I will see you soon, then?” Euguen asks.

“I will call upon you when the time comes.” She confirms.

He nods his head but stops as he almost exits the doorway. “Queen Sultana?” he addresses her.

“What is it, Euguen?” she ask annoyed.

“You will still send the women though, right?” he ponders. 

Sultana’s eyebrow raises high and her eyes then narrow. 

“Right.” He nods, “Yes, I screwed that up. Okay, then… see you around.”  he awkwardly exits the doorway. 


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 Chapter 16: Abducted

Read Previous Chapters: Realm Komiks Prequel: New Worlds

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Realm Komiks Prequel: New Worlds Chapter 14: Warrior

Chapter 14:

The suns’ rays invade the translucent walls that barrier elaborate buildings tilting toward the clouds. Winged humans’ are airborne in the sky, flying amongst birds, chatting in the skies while their bodies are still in the air, wings an array of colors, flapping against the wind. Margret enters through the glassy city’s paved pathway, the sparkling stone returning the suns’ rays to the sky. Colm clutches Margret’s hand tighter as her nerves intertwine with his soul; she refrains from catching his glance, trying to hold her composure of confidence. A hallow pit knocks against her stomach, causing her to constantly swallow against the dryness of her throat. As Colm and Margret approach the entrance way of a large building a couple of the humans nod and smile toward her and Colm, their faces friendly and genuine as they return to their conversations and daily business.

“Do the winged humans of your world have a reference to their kind?” Margret probes against Colm’s mind as she tires of referring them to the ‘humans with wings’.

“Archangels.” He fills her head.

Margret scoffs at the revelation. “Of course. Only the most obvious.” Her heads leans toward Colm with a sly smirk as his eyebrow rises toward her with inquiry. Instead of words she decides to fill her head with Earth’s interpretation of archangels and their relevance. As Colm gathers the visions he simply announces out loud while allowing her to enter the building first. “Where do you think those images came from? After you.” He offers while placing his hand on the small of her back gently guiding her forward.

“Just a little cliché.” She shrugs, “And perhaps disappointing. I was prepared for a new vocabulary word, but we continue to be more intertwined than I anticipate.”

He pulls her into his arms for a brief moment, locking her eyes into his. “Try enlightening.” Colm’s breathe presses against her lips, her body becomes tense and her heart beats heavy against her chest, the pit in her stomach disappearing for that moment. As her neck bends to his will he releases her subtly with a smug grin against his face, turning his attention toward Natika who is suddenly visible, following behind Serafim and Harahel. Natika quickly races ahead of the men to wrap her arms around Colm. Margret’s eyes roll under her eyelids and her thoughts pound against Colm’s ears, flowing to him before she can grab control “Is she always going to hug you like she hasn’t seen you for eternity?”

Colm quickly releases Natika, uncomfortably scratching his head and avoiding Margret’s eyes. Natika doesn’t notice his awkwardness and immediately grabs for Margret next, pulling her in and holding her busty breast against her. She pulls away grasping Margret’s hands, “Are you ready for this?”

“Yea, of course.” Margret sputters with confidence as her face slightly pouts annoyed by Natika’s vibrancy.

Serafim embraces Colm with a strong pat on the back and then interrupts Natika when softly kissing Margret’s hand. Harahel nods following suit.

“Margret, Natika will mentor you while Harahel mentors Colm. Follow, please.” Serafim announces as he leads toward a corridor. Natika winks at Margret and scurries toward Harahel’s side latching on his arm.

“Is she always so clingy to men?” Margret wonders. Colm’s hand tightly squeezes her as the thought drifts from her mind and she realizes the judgement trailed loud enough for Colm to hear. His eyes widen as his face flushes a little, embarrassed of her jealousy of the beautiful woman. Margret scoffs, “Don’t give me that look. I’m only human.”

Colm leans over and whispers in her ear, “I will not enable negative attitude, Love, you are after all as much Cepaen as Earthling.”

Margret grins wiry from his firm scolding, finding his dominate behavior endearing. “Punish me please.” She jokes.

His neck flops with pursed lips as he tries to gather her meaning and then his eyes widen toward her when her derogatory images page his speculation. She smiles proudly to herself, raising her head in the air with confidence, marking her imaginary point on the winners circle.
Colm’s face transform to a ripe cherry as he contains from an embarrassed burst. Margret’s tooth buries into her lip as her face brightens.  Colm opens his mouth to speak but Serafim interrupts turning toward everyone.

“Through here.” He leads, allowing the group to enter the doorway before him. The open doorway is not protected nor guarded. Margret walked through the entrance, her head lifting toward the spiraling rotunda, visible with stars. Sterling Swords, with handles appearing of acrylic, each hanging in their personal wall niche lit with color pastel illuminating upon it.  Some bows with arrows lined an adjacent wall following the pattern.  

“This is one of our few weaponry areas.” Serafim introduces.

Margret’s feed slide against the translucent floor as she admires the design.

“Above your head is an active gateway that is able to direct us to other Realms.” Serafim points toward the ceiling.

“What if others were to come here? They would have direct access to your weaponry?” Margret wonders.

“The system is only available from our end.” Harahel chimes in walking showing off a technical panel hidden behind a wall, for architectural reasons rather than to keep it safe. “Of course our planet is accessible outside this room.”

Margret turns toward Colm, prepared to witness Natika drooping over his arm but she stood slightly to side of him observing Serafim and Harahel.  She gave Margret a brief grin as they made eye contact making Margret feeling slightly uncomfortable with her directness. Colm was studying things as much as she was making it apparent that it is also his first time touring weaponry area.

“You will be trained on both weapons.” Serafim addresses Colm and Margret.

Margret teases, “You do know Earth has weapons called guns? Missiles. Nuclear Bombs that can wipe out a city… You have swords and bow and arrows. Only swords and bow arrows?”

Serafim approaches her and Margret notices the others in the room gaze upon her with unspoken surprise. “You should choose your weapon Margret.”

“I was just being facetious.” She softly whispers.

“Choose a sword off the wall that fancies you. Please Margret.” Serafim instructs.

“What if I’m actually better at bow and arrow?” She smirks, “Shouldn’t I have a fair opportunity to equally test them?”

Colm passes Margret and grabs a bow and arrow, as he does the light in the wall niche quickly fades. “I’m prepared to begin.” He announces. “Harahel is there anything further needed for discussion at this point?”

“Only you will need to ready by suiting in the wardrobe housing.” Harahel informs.

Margret quickly strides toward the wall and without hesitation she eagerly pulls a sword away from the wall niche, the light upon it disappearing as she grabs it. The handle material in appearances is a thick acrylic but feels as smooth glass between her palms. A crystal with specks of gold is embedded in the handle slightly under the guard, following a thing crystal line entering through the rain guard leading all the way to the point. The sword was lightweight, as if she were eight picking up a stick out of her backyard. “Ready to fight Colm?” she plays pointing the sword in his direction.

Serafim calmly pushes on her first lowering her hands the ground. She turns to him and he shakes his head as a parent would warn their child. “Not for play.” He sets the first rule.

“Sorry, I am only teasing.”  Margret softly explains.

“Margret I will lead you to the female wardrobe housing to suit up. If you don’t mind I prefer to hold the sword until we enter the arena.” Natika suggest holding out her palm toward its handle.

Margret slightly pouts, surveying the room before surrendering the weapon. “You guys do know it’s only a sword? It wasn’t a week ago I wounded, shot, with a gun.” She places the sword in Natika hand and continues, “I cannot envision me waitressing at the local sports bar, one of Dark Leake’s goons arriving with multiple systematic pistols and I pull out a sword. Where am I going to hide it?”

“Is she always so cynical?” Natika calls to Colm across the room.

Colm chuckles, “You three have no idea the awakenings when an Amalgam is your soulmate.”

Natika smirks toward Colm as Margret protest, “You two do know I am standing right here?”

Natika shifts the small crystal and the sword suddenly retracts, pulling, twisting and bending itself until it is nothing more than a shape of small ring. Natika gently takes Margret’s hand, her mouth wide opened with surprise, and Natika places the ring upon her finger. “Should fit perfectly.”

Margret grasps Natika’s hand suddenly admiring the ring upon her finger. “That is a sword?”

Natika releases a sighing laugh, “Don’t be ridiculous. That is a ring.” She holds up her other hand that fashions a much similar crystal to the one on Margret’s finger. “This is a sword.” Natika winks at her, pulling on her hand to follow her. She stops at Colm, “I will call to you if she gets out of hand.” Natika teases.

“Be positive, Love.” Colm grins with encouragement.

Margret’s heart pounds on her chest but she decides to roll her eyes at Colm, trying to disguise her passion. He leaves her with a toothy grin as she follows Natika out of the room.


Margret exits from the wardrobe housing in a short white skirt and silver fitted tank. Boots cover her calves muscles kissing her knees, her hair are pulled into a high pony tail that wisp against her neck. She approaches Natika who watches her wide eyed, dressed much the same. “You are amazing.” Natika announces.

“I look ridiculous. Either a very confused tennis player or stripper. Not sure which.” Margret tries to adjust the skirt lower against her thighs.

“I am not familiar with either of those Earth those comparisons, but they must be fabulous if you resemble them at this moment.” Natika decides.

Margret burst into laughter at her conclusion and while doing so she sizes Natika up. “Definitely to pull the look off like you do. I think your clothes are so excited you are wearing them they may actually be dancing on your body right now.”

She blushes, “Nonsense it is the wind. You are as beautiful as I and our light magnifies one another. Come let us get started.”

Natika slides the crystal on her ring and quickly folds and bends opening into a sword fitted perfect in the palm of her hand. “You do the same.” She instructs.

Margret fumbles with the crystal for a moment and the ring upon her finger swiftly molds itself into a sword. Margret’s eyes widen as if it is the first time witnessing the transformation. She grasps the sword tighter in her palm, pressing her fingers tightly against the handle.

“As it is has now taken shape to sword I would like you to firmly place your thumb over the stone pressing.” Natika explains.

“Like this?” Margret ask unsure but following the directions precisely.

“Exactly.” Natika confirms as crystal glows, trailing from the rain guard to the point.

“Whoa! What just happened?”  Margret’s eyes wide with wonder.

“You have just imprinted your sword. The sword will only function under your command.” Natika informs her.  “Now place your left hand on the forte, which is here.” She shows Margret pointing to the part. “As you do, place your thumb on the crystal swiping upward, releasing your hand from the forte and…” Natika does this and a faint white glow surrounds her. “This is your shield. I would tell you to walk toward it but you will receive a brief shock if you were to try to penetrate it.”

Margret stares at Natika speechless, “Is there anything else I should know this sword is capable of?”

Natika nods with a wide grin upon her face and rapidly releases the shield, swinging the handle into her wrist and taking aim a bright laser shoots from the ridge of the sword toward a target about three hundred feet from them, demolishing it. Margret almost drops her sword with shock apparent on her face, feeling the blood in her head drain to her feet, faint for a moment.

“Are you okay?” Natika suddenly transform her sword to the ring on her finger, rushing to Margret and sitting her down. “I’ll get you water.”

Margret grabs Natika’s arm stopping her, “No. I’m okay.”

“Let me get Colm. Perhaps you are sick? He can help.” Natika’s face turns to worry and she strokes Margret’s face pushing the hair from her forehead. Margret gently removes Natika’s hand away from her face and laces it on Natika’s knee with a short firm pat. “Really, I’m okay. The whole idea of having a weapon that could destroy a person with one hit was just a tad shocking for a brief a moment. Is there anything else I should know my personal kill sword can do?”

Natika shakes her head able to find little words. “That is about it. Other than summing it.”

“Summing it?” Margret raises her eyebrows.

“Yes if it were away from you, you’d be able to summon it with your mind. At least that is what is true for us; I suppose we will see if it will also suffice Colm and yourself.” Natika analyzes the situation.

“Because we aren’t Archangels?” Margret tries to resolve the situation.

“Precisely. Is there any other questions before we start?” Natika’s eyes blink against her thick, log eye lashes, her lips pursed against her finger anxiously awaiting Margret’s next thought.

“Yes, I have one last question.” Margret decides. Natika nods with her brow raised to her forehead as Margret continues, “How does a peaceful planet design weapons capable of demolishing their enemy?”

Natika tilts her head, “Valid question.” She agrees, “The sword is capable of only a wound, I did want to impress you with its capabilities.” Natika bashfully admits, “A peaceful planet, not an ignorant one.”

“You are like the Canada of planets.” Margret smirks.

Natika’s head tilts and her lights tighten as she tries to grasp the joke. “Never mind.” Margret tells her, “It’s an Earth thing.”

Natika stand tall yielding her sword to her side. “I’ll teach you the fundamentals of your weapon. According to Zulima, you have been doing physical training on your planet, however I will introduce you to techniques we use…” she pauses for a brief a moment as she thinks.

“What is it?” Margret eagerly snaps.

“It never occurred to me I’d be training someone without the ability of flight.” Natika lets the thought simmer for a moment.

“It never occurred to you guys that Colm and I didn’t have wings?” Margret rolls her eyes factiously.

Natika ignores her sarcasm, “I’ll talk to the counsel and figure what we are able to improvise.” She says loudly as if she is talking to herself. Her eyes drift toward Margret, “Shall we leap to the heart of things?”

Margret stands tall with her sword in hand taking a deep breath. “Okay, let’s do it.”


Bruinen’s feet smack against the saucer as he finishes loading miscellaneous supplies for their  journey. There is a gateway through the depths of their ocean that leads directly to an ocean on a planet they refer to as PL2800, two planets beyond Earth’s dwarf planet Pluto. Nawfar will rise their ship from PL2800’s waters, a planet that has not been found to be inhibited by human’s life, but many microscopic organisms have been found; fish without eyes, corals and other sea creatures that the Acquavodians haven’t found on their planet. Once they enter Earth’s galaxy, it will then only be hours before they arrive in Earth’s atmosphere. 

“Everything is prepared.” Nawfar enters. “Marlin and Tsunami are on their way, along with Kae.”

Bruinen searches her eyes, “You do agree with the decision to bring Tsunami on board. Doubt does not probe your mind?”

“I agree.” She assures him, “She is a strong asset and with proper guidance will become one of our strongest.” She pauses as her eyes shifts to the exterior of the craft and she walks toward the the doorway, “And here they are.”

“Marlin! Tsunami!” she calls to them.

“Nawfar. Bruinen.” Marlin nods as he approaches them.

Tsunami waves her hand toward them with a smile that smothers her face. She clutches her navy satchel, thrown around her shoulder, her eyes admiring the transportation she is about to experience.  In the distance, behind them, is another figure. He is running and quickly catching up. Bruinen props his body against the door and folds his arms as they board. “Morning.” He smiles and Nawfar also returns the gesture to him. Tsunami turns to the man who enters the ship behind them. “Kae.” He smiles toward Marlin and Tsunami.

“A pleasure.” Tsunami smiles.

“Like wise.” Marlin adds.

Kae follows them through corridor as Bruinen seals the door shut. “Kae is one of our most talented researches at EFWR.”

“In addition I’ll be sampling Earth’s salt water and seeing how it may vary from that on our planet.” Kae adds as they enter the flight deck.

The flight deck is roomy and much like a grand living room, with the exception of the high tech control panels and seat belts fashioned to the reclining chairs. There are cabins outside the flight deck along with a kitchen. The Earth’s journey will take less than eighteen hours to complete and duration of it will be spent underwater.

Bruinen observes as the crew finds their seats, Tsunami finding a seat next Kae, probing him with ongoing questions of his research. Nawfar is already pushing buttons against the launch panels as she calls Bruinen to her side. He hastily makes his way toward the control pane,l taking the seat by her side. Nawfar would be in control of the craft and he would assist her. She had strong abilities within the ocean and the waters, giving things a predictably safe outcome during their journey. When there are moments of dangers arising within the waters she has a gift to bring things to an easy calm. Complications can arise quickly. Creatures of the deep can be aggressive. Nawfar has steered their crew out of some complicated situations.

“Ready for submergence. Everything in order?” Nawfar turns toward Bruinen awaiting clearance. Her delicate fingers against the control and her tired, wide eyes gazing at him.

Bruinen feels the comfort of the chair against his back as his body pushes against it. He is unaware of his exhaustion until his body settles in. He had not rested much since the first trip to Earth and he saw Nawfar’s eyes read the same. She had gone to visit Kae and touch base with the EFWR, while he had  prepared Marlin. In only a few short days they were back to making another journey to Earth, where they would be busy with more meetings and strategic operations, most now concerning Queen Sultana and her vampire army. It would be a question on one planet, who will side with light or dark. It was unnerving and left Bruinen with wakeful nights, preparing for the outcomes that would effect his people and their planet.

Bruinen nods toward Nawfar as he straps his belt on. “Fire her up.” He forces a grin.

“Everyone strap up, we are submerging.” Nawfar warns as she clicks a couple buttons on the dash and the craft begins to hover slightly above it’s perched position.

The hanger roars open, clear blue water surrounding it. Nawfar steers the craft to the end of the hanger and it now hovers above the depths of the ocean. Waves tap the bottom of the ship as it slowly lowers, parallel to the waters.  Nawfar nods toward Bruinen and taps a large silver button, pushing out propellers and plunging the large ship into the water. It continues to pick up speed as it  drills it’s way through the liquids, sinking deeper toward the seafloor. The engines whirl, pushing the water through the ship’s propellers, the speed giving an empty view of darkness. The crews backs are pressed against their seats until the ship begins to slowly wind down. “Reaching maximum depth parallel to AGG.” Nawfar announces.

Kae leans over toward Tsunami, “Acquavodo Galaxy Gateway.” He whispers.

She smirks and with a low voice, “Yes, I know that.”

“Hitting 102K at depth. Blind. Hitting lights.” Nawfar hits a switch which brightens the entire ocean floor surrounding them. The silent ocean outside the windows is brought to life, an enormous fish passes the window, appearing to look in the craft with its eyeball the size of three.

Nawfar subtly speeds the craft to a steady level. “Safe to unbuckle and inhabitant the ship.” She turns toward Bruinen, “All pressure units are perfect. We’ll arrive to AGG in a matter of seven hours.”

“Perfect. Should be a smooth ride. I’m going to walk about the craft with crew. Inform me when you need a break.” Bruinen suggest.

“Will do.” She faintly grins.

Nawfar unfastens his seat belt and stands up feeling the grasp of his wrist between Nawfar fingers. “Please, try to rest.”

Bruinen watches as the three converse leaving the through the entrance way. Bruinen tilts his head toward his petite significant, who genuinely reeks concern on her face. “I will find rest when I find peace.” He squeezes her hand with forced reassurance and softly releases her, allowing her hand to slide on her lap.

He decides to find his way outside the flight deck, before a conversation proceeds. He feels unsure and tense about his people and their safety, Nawfar will be able to suspect too much of his concern. He makes his way down the hall, his eyes heavy against his skull, quickly shaking it off when he spots Marlin heading to a cabin.

Marlin pauses before his hand reaches the door and he immediately takes advantage of the opportunity, “You could have told me of your opinions on Tsunami.”

Bruinen pauses, caught off guard by Marlin’s open confrontation, but decides to shrug it off. “Would you have agreed?”

Marlin doesn’t hesitate, “Of course not but I would have come around. I always do. We always do.”

“I knew Nawfar could persuade your opinion at a quicker pace than I would have been able.” Bruinen admits.

“I’m going to work out.” Marlin changes the subject. “Joining?” Marlin offers entering the gym.

“Not at this time. I’m going to take a break, I want to release Nawfar from her position soon. She is exhausted, as I. I will be more comforted in the idea that she receives rest, before we enter Earth’s galaxy.”

 “Right then.” Marlin enters the room letting the door swing behind him.  Bruinen is about to continue down the hall but Marlin pops his head out from the door. “Have her see me when she breaks.” He then disappears behind the door once again.

Nawfar and Marlin have a sexual past that perhaps is present. Marlin’s significant is often with her sexual partners more than Marlin, leaving him little emotional stability.   Marlin is not Tsunami’s biological father and he is not sure of Tsunami's Acquavodian blood line. Marlin appears unfazed by his partner’s over indulgence, sexual appetite, which surprises Bruinen, for they are one of the few that breaks the mold in the Acquavodian customs.

He leaves the thoughts as he heads in the library toward the book shelf. He prefers a novel of adventure and entertainment during quiet times at home, but under the circumstances he feels obligated to educate himself even more, on Earth’s historical outlook. He smirks as he thinks to himself ‘Earth’s history IS Entertainment in its’ own way.‘

Their books are paperless, each one computed into a sleek slate, categorized with bold digital lettering against the side. His finger slides against the slim hardware as he reads the words against them.

“You are the smartest Acquavodian known,” Tsunami’s voice slightly echoes in the room, “Except, for the fact that you manage to catch a break, and retreat to the one place your mind will get no rest.”

He turns his head toward her as she walks through the doorway and bounces herself into a chair. “I thought you were with Kae?” Bruinen acknowledges turning himself back toward the wall and making a selection.

“Kae is interesting but also exhausting.” She grins. “What are you going to read?”

He hands her a book “For you.”

She reads the digital lettering on the side raising an eyebrow, “Earth’s Discoveries.”

He nods toward her, taking himself back to the shelf. Tsunami watches him for a moment as he continues to scan the shelf, deciding to activate the translucent slate. The title appears boldly, using her finger, slightly elevated over the slate, she scans through the book, the words and pictures flipping across as her finger slides side to side. “Lots of pictures. Isn’t that nice?” She facetiously grins toward him. “I will assume that was not an insult toward my intelligence or age.”

“It has much information on their discoveries of Atlantis. It could be valuable information during your quest.” Bruinen doesn’t take his focus away from the books on the shelf as his finger continues to slide over them.

“I see. And you?” She now ignores the book on her lap.

“Appears I might have finally read everything in our library. I’m searching for one I perhaps could embed further into memory, for purposes of our journey.” He tugs at a slate from the shelf, “The Dessert War.” He announces. “Earthlings wars are brutal. I have found many of their tactics divided. Earth is the most divided planet I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.”

“How does a planet become divided?” She wonders.

“Earth is not the only divided planet; however, the magnitude of the division is most interesting to us, unison planets. Earth is divided into areas they call continents, which they then break into countries and lastly even dividing their land into smaller masses called states, each having their own anarchy.” He informs her. “They have cities such as ours, within the states, however even those are appointed another type anarchy that governs it. I simply thought it was the only way they could provide themselves with solid structure, and then I had done more extensive research and found this is not the case.”

“Then what is it? Or do I need to read about it?” She smirks.

Bruinen is not entertained by her simple humor and continues, “Planets of unison thrive, due to the fact that we have much light in our souls. We know of evil but we are unable to aid it within us. It simply is not in our structure. We know that planets divided are inhibit evil.” He paces across the room pausing at a slate, bringing it to life,  beaming a diagrammed picture of the Earth planet. “Earth however, is over populated with people, and upon those people are souls of light and dark.”

“Hmmm...” Tsunami ponders on the idea, “I don’t understand how that would work.”

“It explains their constant state of war amongst each other. For they are not only with light and dark but they are of gray, those easily persuaded toward either of the two for eternity. The struggle leaves the planet in a constant imbalance.”

 “Guess I will be able to witness it firsthand in a matter of hours. So! Where are we going on this planet? Which one of those cities is our destination?” she points toward the screen as he maximizes the areas.  

“They call this one Russia.” He points, “Their city is called Moscow. All of the allied nations will be meeting here for our first location. Next we will meet in this country they call China. The city there is called Bejing. Then we will be off again to a country they call England. The city is called London. After the meeting in London it will be determined if we arrive back to our planet or will need to inhabit Earth for a longer period of time. If we stay on Earth we will then return the city called Washington DC in a country they call The United States of America.”

As he empties the slate and places it back to the shelf his eyes meet Tsunami’s. She has her elbow rest on the chair, fist perching her chin, body leaning into the chair as she gazes at him in intently. He pauses for a moment wondering if she is only staring at him or was actually listening, when she doesn’t engage in the conclusion of his itinerary, he dryly ask, “Questions?”

“I think your eyes might actually be bluer than mine.” She finally says. “I have noticed everyone on our planet tends to have a darker blue rather than a bright blue. Mine are very blue, but yours may be more so.”

Bruinen pauses for second, confused by her wandering mind. “That is irrelevant to this conversation. Were you listening to what I was saying?”

“Very much so.” She serves.

“What did I say?” he challenges.

“We are visiting Moscow, Beijing and London. All cities of Russia, China and England. Then we most likely hang around until crazy vampire lady attacks the planet. Then you call in the rest of our warriors while Kae and I head towards Cadiz, Spain where the lost city should be located under the water’s depths. Coincidentally, it is believed to be submerged by a Tsunami.” She smiles. “Irony.”

Bruinen’s lips are tight as he nods impressed by her information, “Impressive.”

“Yup. I have a photographic memory. Already read the parts of Atlantis in this book while you scanned the bookshelf for your read. Anything else in this book I should have a look at?” She smirks playfully.

“Any information you take on Earth will prove beneficial for your expeditions there.” Bruinen responds very matter of fact. “Your talents are more than impressive, and your skills beyond your years, but over confidence could find you trouble.”

“I disagree.” Her words are flat against her tongue as they flow out of her pouting lips. She crosses her leg, resting it on her knee, bouncing it against the air, her feet fitted in neoprene boots that glove her calves.  “Being overly confident can only find me trouble, if I become irrational or illogical to a threatening situation. The extreme confidence I have is what drives me to success beyond my years; However, I don’t roll over ignorant to the dangers that could implode.”

Bruinen studies her for a moment. Her playful childlike behavior screams teenage passage, while her quick wit and thought process, proves her soul to be years beyond her documented age. Her long lashes widen her eyes; her beauty is subtle but evident, bringing a natural glow upon her freckled cheeks. Bruinen takes the seat from across her and leans in toward her, resting his palms against each other, his eyes staring down at them for a moment while he gathers his thoughts, trying to find words. He lifts his head to her and her eye brows raise waiting patiently for him to speak.

“Tsunami, I applaud your passion and charisma. You believe in yourself and your gifts. That gives you the confidence to exceed and excel. Your father is Acquavodo’s most valued warrior; his skill levels, wit, strength and power have protected our planet from one of the worse attacks it has witnessed. He is highly respected.” He pauses for a moment grabbing more thoughts.

“Yes, I know all this.” Tsunami relaxes into her chair waiting for him to continue.

“Then understand this.” He leans in closer, “I have to bring you home in one piece.”

“I’m not afraid of anything happening to me and you don’t need to be worried either.” Tsunami hands him the slate off her lap. “Here, take this. I’m going to find something to bide my…”

Bruinen interrupts her, “I am afraid for you, Tsunami. Once we land on Earth, you are not to leave my sight until instructed to do so. I want you by my side at all-time, unless I know where you are or what you are doing.”

“You’re joking, right?” She snaps at him rolling her eyes.

“Not at all.” He confirms.

“Well, this conversation has gone off course.” She pouts, “Tell you what, I’ll follow your rules only because you are the Sovereign, and my father has taught me to respect my elders, but I’m not sure there is much you can teach me that I don’t already know; and you will have to let me out of your sight, when it comes time for me to retrieve the stone from Atlantis.” Her hands smack against the chair as she stands up. “Is there reading material I should take with me?”

He ignores her sarcasm, standing up and walking to the bookshelf he slides a slate from the silver shelf, handing it to her. Tsunami swipes it from his hands and reads the binder, “Really? I would ask if you’re joking, but I am discovering quickly that you hold little sense of humor.”

“Read it from front to back and then you can return it to the library, read a follow up in the same Earth genre.” He smirks.

Tsunami struts toward the door, “Would you like to escort me to my next destination? To see that I arrive safely?”

“Earth.” He reminds her.

“Yes, I remember, just wanted to make sure you felt I could navigate the inside of a ship.” His hands grab the door as she is about to walk out and she turns toward him, “I know I am young, but I’m not foolish.”

Bruinen strides across the room toward her until he stands face to face with her. Her eyes almost meet his; she has height, for a female of their planet. Her eyes slightly shift but gain control, keeping strong eye contact. “I think you are everything opposite of foolish. That is one of the many reason why you are here. You are not ignorant but you have much wisdom to continue to gain.”

“Really? This is why you have me reading ‘How to Deal with Difficult People?’” She shakes her head, “I’ll return soon for a follow up. Let you know how it goes, okay?”

He smirks as her body flings around, her hair brushing against his face as she storms out. Bruinen chuckles to himself for a brief moment. Suddenly Marlin appears at the door. “Nawfar needs you immediately. We’ve run into some trouble.”


Read Chapter 15: Divobite'
 Realm Komiks Chapter 15: Divobite'