Welcome To The Realm

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Realm Komiks: Making The Possibility, Possible (Writers Update)

Dear Realm Komiks Fan and Loyal Readers,

It has now been a tad over two years! And guess what??

WE finished the story! Well, I did, though I haven’t released all the chapters to you YET.

I’m so excited to give you the edited full version. I will release it on Amazon.com, that way, you Kindle users can snuggle up comfy and use your electronics. The edited version release date is set for December 2017. A great gift for your Sci-Fi friend!

If you’re like me, and need the paper in between your fingers, to make reading a book feel official, then you will be able to buy the book on Amazon.com.

Then guess what happens?? The second novel will start rough release, like ‘New Worlds’ began. You can read it rough and raw before the editors get their hands on it.

With much anticipation (and anxiety), your loyalty makes me nervous *wink* I HAVE started a KickStarter page; A whopping $42,000.00 that is.

This funding is to finish the editing of the graphic novel. *sigh* All the hard work we’vedone, I’d LOVE to bring that to print when the novel is released. For a professional editor we are looking at about $5,000 to finish it. How exciting it would be to release the graphic novel with the prequel! This will only happen though if we are funded. Releasing the graphic novel without the funding, well it’s not in my personal budget, sadly.

Next, I REALLY want to release a book trailer with the novel. Not a lame book trailer…. But an awesome book trailer. With costume, and all other regular expenses of production, we can quickly sink into the $20,000 number. Makes my head hurt. This number is perceived by talking to Thoughtfly Studio’s producer, MattNiehoff and finding the costuming I’d prefer to see our characters in. (If you like sneak peaks - message me. I'll send you pictures. No joke.)

Then of course, I’d like to come to all of YOU. Give you some free swag, touch base with you at comic conventions, sign books… you know all of the fun stuff where we actually have the opportunity to meet in person!

Now is your chance to make Realm Komiks possible. You can donate or share away the Kickstarter page, if you are not able to give from your own pocket. Every dollar IS a dollar. No amount is too small. Sincerely, it’s not.

On a side, note… have you seen all the NASA post I have been making on social media?

Seven planets orbiting their OWN sun? My mind is OFFICIALLY BLOWN.

You do not even understand the pleasure it brings me to read this stuff! It’s as if Sci-Fi came and knocked on our door, handing us MORE stories! oooooooOOOOOOoooooH how I love it!

The possibilities are endless!

Can you imagine if Realm Komiks brought in enough revenue to higher other writers to create MORE planets and stories? One day merging some of the stories together!?!?

Hey, you can’t hide the fact that I have thrived on Marvel and DC growing up…. Don’t ask me to pick ONE. Seriously, don’t go there. IF you put X-men and Batman on each end of my scale…. My scale is just going to explode. (Unless it’s Ben Affleck as Batman… that makes me cry...Sorry, Ben…)

SPOILER ALERT: Let me give you a tad spoiler about Chapter 25. (Back to my writing) Queen Sultana…. Is …. F-O-R-K-E-D. F-U-D-G-E-D. But things won’t be as grim for her as they will be for Lucius.

How do you like the story so far?

Your lack of comments is almost disturbing. But I see my ratings continue to sky rocket so I figure silence can be okay. OR “If you have nothing nice to say, you just don’t say anything at all.” This is great with me. *wink*

I am SUPER EXCITED to give you the ending of the story. It will be a great lead for the second book. AND to change the subject, as my head spins a little bit everywhere, I’d like to say in the Chapter titled ROGUE’ was seriously difficult for me to write. *sigh* *Deeper sigh* I cried. Then when I read the dang thing, I teared up again. I cannot barely watch the news these days since I became a mother… writing that Chapter was awful. Important for Dominious’ character development…. But horrible.

Thanks Again for reading! All over the world! Though France, your numbers are dwindling and Germany is passing your reading numbers, lately. 

United States, you are still number one in supporting me, thus far. Thank you all for being YOU! No matter what country you are in, OR Realm (bum bum bum – music)  - I just want, wish and hope that you enjoy the characters and story as much as I do! (Except Chapter 23, I didn’t like writing Chapter 23)

Cheers Sci-Fi friends!

Much Love and Positive Vibes your Way,


Rebecca Ann Price

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Im so happy for you have done a very very good job. Love you lots mom cant wate for it