Welcome To The Realm

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Realm Komiks Prequel New Worlds: Chapter 26: Iguana Island

Chapter 26:

The boat falls against the blue horizon. Janet runs to her father who is now steering toward shore. “Get ready to anchor her!” he calls to Janet.

She scurries to the anchor and sits next to it, waiting for her father’s help. “There’s another boat.” She shouts toward him.

Daniel’s grin sweeps across his face, “It’s an old friend of mine. I know that boat well.”

He breaks the boat, rushing toward Janet to help release the anchor. “This is where you and mom always came?” Janet confirms.

“It is.” he tries to smile as he checks the depth of the water.

The local is already off on the island calling to the boat; “Is that you Daniel?” he waves walking toward the boat.

Daniel waves, grabbing Janet, and loading her off the boat before he follows. “Mateo!” he greets.

“Daniel, my man,” he follows with a bro hug. “How long has it been?” he appears around Daniel at Janet. “This is the baby?”

“It is.” Daniel nods.

Mateo’s face lights up “What is her name again?”

“Janet.” Daniel reminds him.

“Janet.” His thick accent draws the vowel out before concluding her name. He eagerly shakes her hand. “Last time I saw you, you were not even months of age! How old are you now?”

“Nine.” She beams with amusement.

“Nine. No shit?” he turns to Daniel, “It’s been nine, damn years, man?”

“I guess it has.” Daniel grins. “I’m so surprised to run into you here. I thought we’d be among tourist, that I’d have to search for your whereabouts.”

“Destiny always has an answer, doesn’t she?” his pearly whites shine past his dark skin.  “I’ve actually arrived on island business. Been here for a few days now.”

“Daddy! Look at those pigs!” Janet exclaims, “I think they are heading toward us.

“Oh, let me grab some treats. They indulge in the attention. They haven’t been getting it so much lately.” Mateo jumps on his boat, disappearing under the deck.
“This must be the coolest island ever. Why haven’t we ever come before?” Janet asks.

“Funny, how time gets away. Doesn’t feel like nine years ago since your mother and I visited.” Daniel finds himself lost in the memory. “She carried you in one of those… of what do the women call them?” he struggles, “It was a baby wrap…. That is what she called it, I believe. You were strapped to her. I met Mateo on the island. I used to assist him in the wildlife habitat. We made sure…”

Mateo walks from behind them, interrupted Daniel, “And do you notice anything different on this island?”

Daniel pauses for a moment, surveying his surroundings, “Besides, the tourist? Well, I’ll be damn…”

“That’s right, man; the name of the island is not existent.” Mateo confirms.

“What happened to all the Iguanas?” he mumbles, more to himself.

“Daddy, can I go play with those pigs? Are they safe?” Janet interrupts.

Mateo hands her the small pouch he grabbed off the boat, “Here, ya go, child. Just use it sparingly; they sometimes get aggressive if they feel…”

Daniel hesitantly interrupts, “Maybe you should just stay here, Janet. I’ll come with you.”

“Oh, she’ll be fine.” Mateo chuckles reassuring. “Let the kid go.”

Daniel looks down at her eager eyes. “Okay, just don’t go too far.” He reminds her.

She excitedly grabs the feeding pouch skipping toward some of the swine.

“So, what’s going on here?” Daniel tries to understand.

Mateo shakes his head, “No idea. That’s why I’m here. Other scientist and ecologist will be flying in and heading over soon… but it’s weird. At least 1,300 of our rare iguanas, just disappearing? It was over night. Something weird going on, man. The nest we are finding, but the females are nowhere in sight guarding them. Lots of locals believe it’s the echo system.”

Daniel’s eyes narrow in on Mateo, “What do you think?”

“I’m not sure you want to know what I think, Daniel.” Mateo begins but is cut off by a high pitched scream.

Mateo’s eyes meet Daniel’s, “Janet.” Daniel gasp running toward the shriek.

Mateo follows behind him, running through the thick sand, deeper into the island. “Over here!” Daniel directs as Janet’s piercing scream echoes once again.

Mateo follows Daniel over to a deep hole, peering down the ten foot drop. Janet peers up at her father, “Dad! Help me!”

“Hold on Janet.” He calls, searching for Mateo, “Quick, run to the boat and grab the survival kit. Grab the ropes.”

Mateo quickly nods, slipping in the sand as he races him off.

“Don’t worry, Janet. We’re going to get you out.” He tries to assure her.

“There’s a tunnel down here, Daddy.” She calls up.

“We’ll get you out.” He shouts to her, not taking in her revelation.

“Dad…” she backs toward the dirt wall, “Dad, there are eyes…”


Susan takes in the fresh salty air, the palm trees flowing against the breeze. Her fingers clutch over the wooden railing, watching the waves tumble over one another, racing to the shore line. Nora joins her handing her a generic cup of soda.

“Here.” She pushes it toward Susan while sipping on her straw, Susan taking it into her hand with little response. Sunglasses cover Nora’s eyes, her back leaning against the pier, facing toward Susan. “Did you find someone with a boat to take you?”

“I did. It should be an easy sail since we came to Pompano.” Susan finally pulls the old drink to her mouth, sipping on the straw.

Daisy barks, running down the pier toward the women, Steve following behind. Susan warmly greets the lovable golden, standing when Steve approaches. “I guess this is good-bye.” Susan struggles to not be sentimental.

“Good luck. I’m so happy you will get to finally be reunited with your family.” He tries to smile but becomes emotional, “And you?” he turns to Nora struggling to be strong.

“What do you mean, me? I’m traveling with Susan, of course.” She shrugs.

Susan taken a bit off guard, “You don’t have too…”

Nora stops her, “Look, Susan, for the first time in my life I’m free. I don’t know how long this freedom will last, but right now, I’m on a pier, next to the ocean, fresh air, palm trees…freedom. Something I do not remember ever having in my life. It is because you took a chance on me, you gave me trust that you were not sure of, but did it anyway. You are a good person, Susan. The first good person I’ve ever met. I will see you through your travels, and then I will figure out where I will go and what I will do from there. I’m not abandoning you. I’m in debt to you and I plan to make sure it is fully paid.”

“Really, Nora… you…” Susan tries but Nora interrupts again.

“Until you have you daughter in your arms. I insist.” She stands her ground.

Susan nods, “Okay, then, Nora. Thank you, it will be nice to have familiar company on a stranger’s boat.”

Susan turns to Steve, “You?”

Steve laughs, “Really? After that triumph speech do you really expect me to leave the two of you?”

Susan shoots a glance at Nora slightly and then chuckles. “Steve, take Daisy to the beach.”

“Oh, she’s going back down to the beach. But first, we are getting a boat and going to the Bahamas.” He leeshes Daisy and wraps the loop around Susan arm. He shakes his head with a sighing relief, “I’ll be back.”

“Where you going?” Nora calls to him.

Steve continues down the pier shouting to them, “To rent us a damn boat!”


Tsunami and Kae flip through the book tablets in the space craft’s library. Tsunami keeps her Gatorade between her legs as she studies the information. “I have it.” She mumbles

Kae drops his material on the table and scoots in next to her. “What is the discovery?”

“I knew if anyone would discover something it would be you.” The voice enters from behind them.

“Bruinen?” Tsunami surprise rises. “What are you doing here?”

“What information have you gathered?” he changes the subject.

“Wait, you are here because you doubt Kae and I?” she realizes.

Bruinen shakes his head, walking past her and taking the book. “You two are young. A little guidance and knowledge along the way only helps one grow.”

Tsunami scoffs, her eyes shifting toward Kae with annoyance.

“Indonesia Islands?” Bruinen raises an eyebrow at her after scanning the tablet.

“The Varanus Komodoensis. The island would give her the hiding; the reptile is powerful, protecting her well.” Tsunami discloses.

The communication device buzzes, catching Bruinen’s attention. “It’s Nawfar. I’ll place her on community call.” He taps the button revealing Nawfar’s image above them.

“All is well, Bruinen?” she begins. He nods, presenting Tsunami and Kae beside him, “The United Nations has decided the best place for Poisonous Dart’s whereabouts will be an Island of Indonesia. Here, on this island a numerous of large reptiles inhabit the area. The behavior has mysteriously changed, they are becoming more aggressive and also there have been a few reports of the Komodo Dragon, taking stance on two legs, as we have begun to witness other creatures of their world, also doing.”

“Varanus Konodoensis…Komodo Dragon… the same thing.” Tsunami explains to Kae and Bruinen.

Nawfar continues, “Marlin has divided our armies into five different stations.  Marlin is to lead the battle on Komodo Island, mission to locate Poisonous Dart as quickly as possible. Local allies of Earth and Planeteers will join us.” She pauses for a moment and then continues, “Tsunami and Kae, the battles are moving forward. Prepare yourselves to uncover the stone in Atlantis.”

Tsunami and Kae nod toward the hologram.

“I will join Marlin.” Bruinen decides. “Confirming that you two now have things under control?”

“Of course.” Kae agrees. “The drinks were a mere misunderstanding.”

Bruinen’s blue eyes shift toward Tsunami who sits quiet. “What?” she shrugs, “I’ve got this. Only drink water on Earth and,” she smirks holding up the bottle, “Gatorade if you do make a terrible choice,” Bruinen’s face holds serious face, not impressed by her humorous play, “Where’s your humor? Seriously, I’m going to find the stone.” She shakes her head finding Kae’s eyes who slightly shrugs as Bruinen turns away.


“There!” Susan leans past Nora pointing across the blue waters at the bouncing boats against the shore line. She steers the boat closer to the island. Steve stands up from the boat and pulls himself closer to the women so he can hear what they are saying over the boat’s motor.

“Two boats?” Nora voices a slight bit of concern.

“I’m actually surprised it is only two boats. This is a hot tourist island spot. It appears to be deserted from here.” Susan tries to focus in on the bobbing boats and island. “That’s definitely our boat up ahead.”

“I don’t know, something isn’t right.” Nora mumbles, “Maybe we should take the boat and circle the island first….”

“All I need to know is my husband and daughter is here. That’s enough for me. You guys can take the boat back after I get off.” Susan suggests.

“Not until I know you guys are safe.” Nora reminds her, her eyes meeting Steve’s who is quiet, taking in everything the women are saying.

Susan pushes the boat to throttle, instructing Steve and Nora as she pulls in. They secure the boat, after giving it a final tug, Susan is off the boat running toward the families boat. “Daniel!” she shouts as she rushes the boat.

Daisy is off the boat and chasing the waves against the shore line. Steve observes her and then shrugs at Nora, “Myswell get off the boat. Need a hand?”

Nora folds her arms into one another, “I’ve got it.”

“Suit yourself,” he shrugs hoping onto the dock and running toward Daisy.

Nora watches as Susan pops up from below the boat and hops back on the dock “They aren’t here!” Susan calls to her.

Nora meets her on the sand. “Are you going to go look for them?”

“It’s a small island, might be better to wait here so I don’t miss them. Janet could’ve wanted to explore, she loves animals and there are lots of wild pigs and iguanas around…” Susan voice fades as her eyes shift around their surroundings.

“They here?” Steve calls walking toward them, his shoes slipping over the sand.

Nora shushes him, “What is it?” she seriously asks Susan.

Susan becomes uncomfortable, “Something is going on here. There are usually lizards and tourist everywhere. I mean it’s been years since I’ve been here… but it shouldn’t have changed…”

The three turn quickly as Daisy suddenly begins to bark. Seeing a man running toward them, Steve pushes the ladies behind him grabbing at his gun. “It’s okay.” She touches Steve’s shoulder pushing passed him.

“Mateo!” she shouts feet away.

“Susan!” Mateo excitedly shouts, but dodges her hug, pulling her with him.

“What’s going on?” her tone quickly changes.

“I came back for some rope. Janet fell into a deep hole, she’s okay but we need to get her out.” He jumps on his boat.

“I’ll grab the first aid,” Susan rushes her boat and scampers down the steps, grabbing the handled kit out from storage, meeting Mateo back on top.

Steve and Nora quickly trail behind, Daisy quickly beginning to follow, while grasping sniffs of the area around her. “These are my friends, Mateo.” Susan huffs. “Steve and Nora.”

“Glad they are here, we may need them. Some strange stuff going on around here.” Mateo tries to explain.

“What’s going on with this area?” she asks, shooting the other two a glance behind her.

“I don’t know. That’s what I had come here to find out. It was by chance that I came across Steve and Janet. Lizards all disappeared… but we think we might have found them…”

A few pigs snort pass and Daisy takes off running after them. Steve gives an annoyed sigh, “I’ll catch up.” He calls running after Daisy.

“Where did you find them…?” Susan reminds Mateo.

“The ditch Janet fell into…” Mateo grabs Susan’s hand pulling her quickly.


Tsunami and Kae walk through the busy hallway and shopping area of the large resort. “I’m assuming you have a plan, bringing us back here?”

“Wasting time until we are given the go…” She shrugs admiring the merchandise in the window. “The clothing style feels so conservative for such a diverse planet.”

“I think one window display doesn’t reflect the entire population.” He tilts his head toward a group of women walking by.

Tsunami ignores the comment switching her thoughts as she watches the people pass, “One would assume the Earth people know nothing of their planet being taken over by vampires and lizards. Everyone seems to go on with their business as usual.”

“Big planet. Over populated. Everyone has their own agenda. Doesn’t directly affect them, I guess they go on with life as normal…”

She interrupts him with an annoyance, “I realize that. It just continues to amaze me.”

Kae nods across toward the men’s restroom, “I need to relieve myself. Then I suggest we do what we came here to do. They will be in the middle of battle soon enough.”

Tsunami, “You realize I can’t part the ocean for easy access to ground level. The chaos we were anticipating isn’t here. We are going to have to dive.”

“I don’t have the lung capacity you do.” He reminds her. “And my body won’t withstand the pressure the way yours can.” He taps her on the shoulder, “You’ll find it.”

Tsunami nods, “I know. We will have to take the ship to the location and I’ll abort from there. As long there is not trouble…”

“I will use the Hydrobot from inside the ship. It can be my eyes and hands to help you in the search.” He concludes with her nodding in agreement, “Now if you’ll excuse me.” He pushes himself toward the restroom as Tsunami finds a wall to perch her back against.

She watches as the people pass by her. Some alone, and some in groups. Some couples holding hands. Lots of people taking pictures. Why people were so obsessed with having so many photos of themselves, felt rather self-absorbed to her, her nose crinkles at the passing the thought.  

“Hey!” a young lad comes up to her studying her face. “Cool artwork on the forehead. Love how they kind of glow, there. Is it a local thing?” he ask invading her personal space.

She studies his attire and colored hair. “It is my…style.” She carefully chooses.

“It’s mad. Let me get a selfie with you.” He pulls out his device, holding it above their heads, Tsunami seeing herself on the screen has little reaction. The guy smiles touching the screen and capturing the image. “Going to get your look out to social media. Hashtag ‘Killin It.’ Thanks.”

The guy throws his hands up pursing his lips and bounces off while tapping against his device.

“Quirky.” She manages under her breath, her eyes capturing a local island tourist accommodation. She slinks across the hall past the glass windows, into the tourist center, lined with wooden blocks of brochures. She slides her fingers over the folded colored paper, swiftly reading the covers, advertising the tourist attractions in the Bahamas.

“Mam, would you like some help?” the man from behind the counter ask as she picks up the brochure of Iguana Island.

“I’m okay. Thank you.” She forces a grin, while beginning to examine the pamphlet.

“Tours to Iguana Island are actually closed right now. They shut down the island.” He slides in nest to her, trying to pass her another brochure, “Lagoon Tour is nice though…” he begins.

“Why did they shut down the island?” she interrupts him.

“Iguanas suddenly disappeared. It’s odd. They are flying scientist in, have a couple of our locals checking the echo system…” he begins to explain but once again she chimes in.

“Are iguanas dangerous or an aggressive species?” Tsunami’s gears are quickly churning.

“Uh, no mam. It is part of the appeal of the island. The lizards…” he tries but again she cuts him off.

“Thank you. Can I keep this pamphlet?” She ask already walking toward the entrance way.

“Uh, yes, of course.” He oddly watches as she crosses through the people finding Kae as he is exiting the men’s room.

She shoves the brochure in his hand and he looks down at it. “What’s this?”

“This is where Poisonous Dart is.” She now tugs on him leading him through the people.

“At Iguana Island? Here in the Bahamas?” he questions doubtfully.

She pulls him outside into the hot sun, “Yes.”

“Where are we going?” Kae asks.

She stops, “We are going to Iguana Island.”

“They already confirmed she is…” Kae begins.

“No, they haven’t confirmed. They suspect. But the Komodo would be a great fighter. Like the alligators and crocodiles, correct?” she probes. He shrugs with a nod and she continues, “All the attacks, in the random places… Kae, I can guarentee her diversions are sending the armies on chases all over Earth. This way, armies against Sultana are minimized. Dart is here. In the Bahamas.”

She pushes the flyer at Kae once again. “Let’s contact Sovereign Nawfar and Bruinen and explain your theory.” He suggest.

“There isn’t time. They are already heading for battle. If for some reason, my theory is incorrect, we will steer them from the target. We head to the island, find evidence of my theory and then make contact once things are confirmed.” Tsunami decides.

“No,” Kae protest, “We were brought here for one very important mission; A mission that could determine our planets survival if we are under attack, again. We do not abort the plan without an authority telling us otherwise. You need to get your head out of the water, Tsu.”

“We’ll get the jewel. I promise. If I’m correct we contact Sovereign Nawfar and Bruinen. If I’m not, they will never know we attempted. The stone will be in our hands, either way.” She stares at him with pleading eyes.

“How do we get to the island…” he leads.

“Breaker Hovers. We ride them in.” Tsunami suggest.

Kae gestures down toward his scrawny length, “Do you really believe I have athletic ability?”

Tsunami thinks for a brief moment, “Wave Hovers… you can sit. We have a few on one of the transports.”

Kae pauses before answering, “And we get the stone, no matter what?”

She nods in agreement.

“Contact Sovereigns first sign if Poisonous Dart is actually on this island?” he tries to assure himself of the plan.

“Yes. Definitely.” She nods waiting for his final say.

He studies her shifting leg as she anxiously awaits. “Okay, I trust you Tsunami.”

 “Great. Let’s start those Wave Hovers.” She eagerly grabs Kae pulling him through the bathing suit people. 

Read Previous Chapters of Realm Komiks Prequel: New Worlds

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