Welcome To The Realm

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Chapter 27: Behind Enemy Lines

Chapter 27:
Behind Enemy Lines

Margret finishes throwing together the rest of her things in a small duffle bag that holds the minimal. The camp is now almost all packed away, with little trace they were ever there. Vehicle tracks visible in the mud will vanish after a few rains.

Margret throws the bag over her shoulder and walks toward Colm and the unipegs.

He shoots her a sideways grin, “You okay?”

“Yea,” she forces, her stomach wrestling in knots with the thought of walking into a battle.

“Hey!” Lucas calls from across the yard, carrying an appearance of chain mail, Dominious assisting him with the load, it flapping from her arms.

“What have you gotten there?” She calls letting her eyes meet Colm’s whom shrugs his shoulders with a smirk.

Lucas and Dominious set down the bulky pieces in front of them. “Armor.” He announces. “For the unipegs.”

“Armor?” she grins.

“Yea, I’ve been working on it. Opal and Nacreous were quite cooperative once I tried to explain…” Lucas shoots his eyes toward Colm.

“You know about this?” she eyes Colm whom again shrugs with a smirk.

Lucas picks up the mask, “May I?”

“Yes, Opal, obviously doesn’t mind.” Margret stands out of the way so he can fasten the mask the muzzle. “I had this idea to keep them safe, especially they could be easy targets in flight. It appears as chain mail but doesn’t have the heaviness. It was approved and…” he turns towards Dominious, “Other piece please?” she hands him the body shield and he carefully places it around the wings, “I know your weapons come equipped with some shield protection, but if you aren’t on them the whole time… I’m sure it’s plain compared to what you’re planet might have come up with.” He winks toward Colm finishing the latch on Opal’s attire.

“Nacreous it is your turn.” He grabs the other armor.

“Wow, he looks amazing. You look amazing, Opal.” Margret taps him. “It’s very sleek and form fitting.”

“Bullet proof underneath. Same stuff law enforcement and well, I wear.”  Lucas informs finishing up Nacreous’ final latches.
“Well, done,” Colm nods to Lucas embracing him into a partial hug, “Thank you so much for your generosity.”

“The honor is mine.” Lucas nods. “I need to go catch my ride.”

“Dominious is riding with you?” Margret wonders.

“She is. And the Commander, along with Zulima.” Lucas informs.

“Okay,” she nods giving approval, though she knows the decision wasn’t hers to make.
Margret’s eyes shift toward Dominious, whom has already checked out of the conversation, anxiously fidgeting as she observes soldiers loading the vehicles.

“We will meet at our next destination. Thank you again for taking care of our friends.” Colm goes in for a hug and Lucas stops him.

“Handshake works, mate.” He smirks taking Colm’s hand and giving it a quick shake. “Margret,” he nods head, “Safe flight. I will see you both on the outskirts.”

Margret watches for a moment as Dominious follows behind him showing little expression upon her pale face.

“What do you think she’s feeling?” Margret turns toward Colm.

Colm steps into Margret, pulling her torso against him, “I think the same thing as all of us.” He tilts his head toward her pressing his forehead against hers. “You okay?”

“You already know I’m not,” her voice trails.

“We all feel….” Colm begins.

“Don’t.” she softly interrupts. “I feel your optimism. It often trumps your fear.”

“Not trumped. Redirected.” He kisses her forehead. “Look at me.” He tips her chin toward him. His eyes feel as they gaze through her skull, grasping at every nerve center, trickling until grabbing her heart, tugging at it. She gives a forfeiting sigh, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“I don’t know if I will ever be comfortable with these feelings. What you do to me.” Her voice barely reaches her mouth.

“It’s not what I do, it’s who we are.” He leans in passionately kissing her as if they were the only two standing among the armies.

“Yo! You two ready?” a voice calls across the field.

Commander DuPont stands over the open vehicle door.

Margret hides her face into Colm’s chest as he calls over, “All ready, sir.”

Margret peels her body away from Colm, ready to mount Opal. Colm suddenly tugs on her hand, “We’re just going to the front lines. It is only another journey.”

She forces a smile while hopping on Opal, giving him a pat on the neck. “Let’s do this.”


The front line. The moment that everyone gathers before officially going into battle; making sure the plans are secure and flawless, setting up for war. Against vampires.
Margret lays her head on Opal for a moment, muffling the noise around her, taking a deep breath. She allows the moment to feel their spiritual connection, a moment of a feeling…her heart steals a double beat. “Love you, Opal.” She kisses his nape before dismounting, seeing Colm eagerly awaiting her only feet away with Nacreous.

She inflates her cheeks a bit, posing a grin for Colm and he meets her half way. “Don’t pretend.” He whispers to her, guiding her toward the other Ceapaens.

“Pretending what?” she ask offended.

“You’re okay. You wear your emotions.” He reminds her.

She scoffs, “I am haunted by the man who gunned down an entire restaurant. I ran away. Now I’m about to run into gunfire, by vampires, no less, who are almost indestructible. I don’t think any of us are okay.”

Dominious intrudes in the conversation, “Try being a vampire, so powerful and then adjusting to being mortal. My body feels fragile. I’m not coming out of this alive. But I don’t care. My agenda is what will make me  powerful.”

Colm and Margret both stop, staring at Dominious. “You will come out of this alive,” Margret finds herself suddenly sympathetic and convincing.

“You don’t believe that…” Colm press solemnly against Margret’s conscious.

She pushes him out, “If we believe we will die, we will. You are more powerful than any of us; you know exactly how the vampire body works. The weakness of the vampire. You are our biggest hope of defeat.”

“I won’t go down without a fight. Queen Sultana deserves the worse.” The furry in her eyes appear to blaze, quickly fizzling at the sound of Lucas’ voice.

“Mates!” he calls, cheerful as ever, waving his arm to the air.

Their heads swing toward him, Zulima with the warriors and healers another direction, as if the three of them were the center of a committee. Margret scans the area, a groups falling into formations, groups she has never seen before, all appearing human, yet the cultural appeal was nothing she had witness on Earth.

Margret’s hand is suddenly wrapped in Zulima’s and her fingers naturally wrap between her delicate, silken tips. Natika’s wings subtly brush against Margret’s arm as she passes, wrapping herself in Colm’s arms, but the visual rolls off Margret’s bitterness, they were all in jeopardy of not being able to feel one another again.

The Cepaen people embrace one another; console, comfort and reassure while the Earthling armies giving inspirational monologues.

“Zeebla is fashioned in the burning oranges and reds; the representation fits them well for their planet. Brenton and Misha are to lead their people.” Zulima’s words are slow spoken, unhurriedly parting between her lips.

Margret searches for Zulima’s focus, spotting a male and female chatting amongst them, laughing and relaxed. Misha was dark complexion, her black hair twisted in braids leading to a tightly fit roll secured to the top of her head. Misha’s lean body was wrapped in tight orange suit, backless, blazes around the leg, peaks to her bare skin.

Brenton was stalky; his hair white, orange color peaks the tips that spike above his head. His red tethered pants cling to every inch of his body, boldly drawing attention to his well-endowed crouch. His black shirt appears ripped; allowing a preview of his broad pecs. His style reminds Margret of an eighty’s rock star but his built was much more of a wrestler.

They chatted amongst their people, as if little fear hovered.

“What are their weapons?” Margret finds her wondering thought escaping her lips before she has a chance to process it fully.

Zulima, off guard thinks for a moment, “You would refer to it as whip? Their reference is a ‘LaGoad.’  If you notice the bands on their upper arms, it fashions into their weapon easily, much like our swords and bows. It makes for easy grab.”

“Wow, they reek of coolness.” Margret finds a grin. “The people…not just their weapons…”

“They have a few other weapons,” Zulima continues, “The ‘LaGoad’ is usually of choice.” Her attention now focuses on the Planeteers coming to interact with the Zeebla people as they greet one another, “Their planet is YaKayo. Czar Umberto and Herminia leave Ceallach to lead the planet. The femme that strolls in the center.”

Margret searches over the people and as they spread amongst the Zeeblings she spies a woman with long black hair, tightly pulled away from her face, olive skin, shorter yet muscular, her abs bare, and breast lifted in a halter.

“They have many weapons…” Zulima continues as if Margret has already inquired, “Mostly using the VoltaicRapier. I do not know what you would refer to it as…” Zulima continues, “To your left is Planet Joko…”

“Wait,” Margret interrupts, “So, the VoltaicRapier would be like an electrical sword?”

“Precisely,” Zulima answers trying to continue with her introductions.

“Do you know how epic it is to be the planet with an electric sword? That is almost like a…” Margret doesn’t get to finish her thought as they are interrupted.

“Dear, Zulima,” a tall thin man smiles, his white teeth almost invisible to his porcelain skin.

“Dear, Tushar.” Zulima warmly smiles leaning in with an embrace.

“Allow me to introduce, Margret. Proudly she is an Amalgam.” Zulima slightly nudges her forward and Margret is suddenly pulled into a frigid hug by Tushar. His body feels like a morgue corpse but his hands are clammy, pulling hers into his, arms lengths and admiring.

“My eyes bestow a faithful Amalga; willing to stand among her descents during the shift Planeteers has come to settle upon.” He gives a lasting awe before allowing her hands to slide against her thighs.

“Tushar has been a cherished friend of mine since we were children. Our planets have found great comfort in one another over the lifetimes.” Zulima explains.

“I didn’t realize,” Margret warmly returns the introduction, “It is my pleasure in meeting you.”

Margret finds that they are now surrounded amongst the people that Tushar represents. “And their weapon of choice…” Zulima concludes.

Tushar chuckles, “We, DaSowdians are the weapon in itself, I suppose. At least that is what the planet Earth perceives.”

“I do not follow…” Margret feels lost with their inside jokes.

Tushar holds out his hand, his fingers forging into a cup position, the bright blue veins pulsing at his wrist, a hard ice crystal begins to form in his palm. “What is your color of choice?” his eyes squint.

“Uh….” Margret tries to quickly think, not really having a color preference, “Blue, I guess?”

“Blue…” he repeats, and the icy crystal’s hue slowly transform into an electric blue. “For you.” He hands it to her.

She grasps the cold ice between her fingers, “Wow.” She softly gasps.

“Editable if you choose.” He chuckles toward Zulima who widely grins.

Margret’s cheeks puff; she feels she has never seen Zulima so joyful in enjoying someone’s company. ‘How was he not her soulmate?’ she wonders.

‘Just friends.’ Margret hears an answer probing at her thought.

She quickly turns finding Colm across the way, winking at her.  “Excuse me.” She nods respectfully toward Zulima and Tushar. “And thank you for the ice crystal. You have no idea the comic books you would be in, for such a talent.”  She snickers to herself, grabbing one last glance as Tushar tries to process her words.

Margret finds herself against Colm, “You know I find it annoying when you pry.” She pesters.

“I wanted your attention.” He pecks her forehead with his lips pulling her tightly against his chest. “We will be away from each other in battle.” His words soft. “It keeps me uneasy.”

“I will be okay,” she tries to convince the both of them, “Just take care of Zulima. The other healers. To be in battle unarmed…”

“The protective shields will be available to them. They will survive.” He assures her, pulling her face to his. “Come there is a few from the DaSow planet that are long friends of mine. You will appreciate meeting them.”

He tugs on her hand and she leans up placing the ice cycle on the back of his neck, forcing his body a chill. He quickly turns toward her, his mouth resting on his chin, “You…” he chuckles and she laughs disclosing the ice. “Too bad my souvenir is destined to melt.”

“My friends much outweigh yours on this planet… and your one little piece of ice.” He playfully reminds her trying to pry the crystal from her hand, eventually surrendering her into a kiss.


Sultana’s fingers wrap around the stone of the balcony, looking over the trees to a town, nonexistent when her long ago ancestors walked these lands.  She only wanted to take back all they have lost for so many years. A place where the sun would shine, amazing eclipse would prevail themselves, a place all her subjects had once called home before they left, fearful for their lives. The prejudice and persecutions they have faced on this planet, would now be brought to justice.

“My Queen.” Lucius steps out into the breeze.

“I am aware.” She breathes in, deeply staring over the trees.

“Then you are aware only two planets have gone to find Dart. All other Planeteers are with the Union Countries of Earth… ready…” she cuts off his explanation, turning her body and perching against the stone.

“She’s useless.” Sultana ponders for a moment, “What preparations have you already placed?”

“Our old and new armies are prepared in all major cities. In these areas we will use ambush tactics. I also have a perimeter of ambush surrounding your castle. Our army will lead the enemy to the ambush team.” He discloses.

“I want the new born Romania’s in front of all lines. I want their men, women and children whom are found alive or dead, used as shields.” She sways past him deep in thought.

“The united nations and Planeteers calibrated much more quickly than we expected.  The armies outweigh our people twenty to one.” He eases into the reminder.

Her hips stop swaying and she holds her posture still, gritting her teeth. “Is this your way of informing me we’ve lost a battle we have not yet began to fight?”

“My Queen, I hope your knowledge leads to remember that the word lose is not in my vocabulary.” His voice becomes intense.

She turns to him, “Thank you, Lucius, for the reminder. I appreciate hearing it.” Her hands fold into one another, “I want you here with me.”

“Our soldiers are week without my commands.” He steps to her. “We will take no prisoners. We will kill unmerciful, for if they have made the choice to battle us, they will know we battle to bloodshed. We will take many lives; let them not forget we are mighty.”

He tilts his head toward her and then begins toward the door.

“Lucius.” She stops him, “Do not allow your life to be taken.”

“My, Queen, I will assure you, that I will do everything in my power to return to you.”


Margret’s knees are weakening by the visual of soldiers unloading weapons and prepping brigades. She tries not to slump her body over Opal, sitting tall next to Colm who straddles Nacreous. Neither of them makes effort to tap the others soul, trying to conceal their nerves.

She turns her head to him and he gives a forced smile, one she will never forget as he has never had to falsify being optimistic. There was worry buried in his forehead and a lump in his throat; Margret suddenly felt the urge to comfort him for once.

She dismounts Opal, tapping his nape, turning to Nacreous and stroking her velvet, pearl skin, sliding her fingers against the three-dimensional metallic on her chest; finally she rest her palm upon Colm’s knee. She struggles to finds words, and her body falls against him as he leans in, stroking her shoulder. Her head tilts and her eyes meet his, “You know you are coming out of this alive.”

“It is not my life I fear. The loss of others is the torture for the living.” Colm’s voice is flat; his eyes focused on the trees, blowing against the wind that has gradually increased its’ speed.

Margret knew he was right, but quickly searches for words to smooth over his haunting thoughts. “It looks like rain.” The words stumble out of her mouth, an obvious observation.

Colm dismounts Nacreous, wrapping Margret into his arms immediately, grasping her tightly against his chest. His heart thunders against her ear as she watches the final preparations made, readying for battle. His cheek rest on her head and they both stand silent, what feels like minutes, probably only seconds before Zulima approaches.

Colm and Margret are about to pry their bodies apart but Zulima, unexpectedly, leans in hugging them both, her longing gaze as a proud mother would admire her children. She delivers one last longing look, patting them on the back, and then freeing them from her grasp.  

“You both will meet again after...” Zulima abandons the words but then continues, “I recognize it is not ideal for you not to remain at one another’s side, but one of each Planeteer, and Earth army, is to join the castle mission, and Margret’s possibility of intuition through the darkness is vital.”

“I have had no visions since Dominious, I think. I can’t have anyone relying on me to make decisions…” the worry in Margret’s voice excels.

“No need to anguish yourself. Lucas will be there to lead. Just if you do…You are to inform him. Expectations are nonexistent.” She gently reminds her.

“It makes sense to have a healer on board with us. Zulima, you should come with me.” She decides.

“A healer is collateral damage to the mission. I am to give our planet inspiration as they move forward to battle. It is I that represent Mother and Father.” Zulima wraps Margret’s hand into hers.

“I can go with you. Zulima will be protected entwined in the healer shield. I am a healer and have been trained for battle…” Colm presses against Margret’s thoughts.

She presses back, “You need to protect Zulima. You need to…”

Margret’s eyes shift toward Colm, with a stern gaze, Zulima interrupts with a sighing laugh, “Please, do share.”

Margret and Colm spin their heads to her with a bit embarrassment, flushed over their faces.

“I am the daughter of Mother and Father; I’m too familiar with the visual of thought swapping. Please share.” Zulima’s mouth purses, waiting for an answer.

“Colm, just had a silly idea and…” Margret stammers, Colm grabbing the opportunity to chime in.

“I am a healer but now also a warrior. I could go with them in the castle. Margret however, insists you need my protection.” Colm gives a satisfactory smirk toward Margret as she rolls her eyes.

 “While I appreciate both points of view, neither will be necessary.” Zulima insist.

Lucas approaches, reversing their attention toward him, “It is time for final formations. Margret, you will travel with us. There is an old escape tunnel they used from the castle. We will enter that way.”

Margret gives him a nod, “Yes, I’ll be right over.”

“Colm, Zulima…” Lucas nods, “No matter what your belief, may God be with you.”
Lucas speeds off, avoiding lingering words.

Margret turns to Zulima embracing her in a lengthy hug before releasing, Zulima pecking against her forehead. “Let the light be with you.” She leans in giving a short embrace to Colm and repeats, “Let the light be with you.”

Her hand finds Margret’s giving one last squeeze before allowing it to drop and trailing away. “Let’s do this.” Margret, suddenly with a bout of confidence, she grabs Opal’s neck, ready to jump but is yanked into Colm’s arms, smothered with a passionate kiss; their tongues tangle, his hands clutching her buttocks, pressing her tight against him.

For the moment, the wind against the shuttering leaves is all that fills her ears. Margret’s heart pumps a power that ravishes her body, allowing her soul a lifting, soaring moment. He finally frees her, assisting her on Opal’s back. They stay silent, only glances of reassurance, and forced, tight grins upon their face. He gives her hand a final squeeze, now peering up at her, his voice forced, “Let the light be with you.”

Margret’s voice was lost and she can only find it in herself to give a reassuring nod before pulling Opal away.


The woods are becoming dark as the clouds continue to hover in thicker formations of gray. Dominious’ arms clutch to Margret as they ride upon Opal, while the others walk. Lucas leads the front, Margret to the back, with the other Planeteers and Earthlings centered. There are eight all together; Lucas, from the German-Franco Brigade, Levente from the Hungarian army, Misha, from the planet Zeebla, Cayden, from Yakayo, Cirocco, representing Joko, and Eryi, coming from DaSow.

Everyone is quiet, even careful not to step on lingering twigs, except Opal, seeming that he would try to stomp down every branch that might touch his knees.

“You go on foot from here.” Lucas stops everyone, breaking the silence, instructing Margret and Dominious, “Opal will be safe.”

Lucas passes everyone to help Dominious off the unipeg, trying to maneuver around his large wings. Margret leans in whispering toward Opal’s ear, “I’ll let you know when I need your assistance. Don’t stay if there is danger.”

Opal clearly understands, giving a tap against the leaves and a short snort, and then pushing his muzzle against her hand. She strokes the velvet before wrapping her arms around the armor protecting his neck.

“Thanks for the ride, Opal.” Dominious gives him a slight tap as she joins the others.

 “Should she tie him up?” Levente tries to discreetly lean into Lucas.

“No need.” Lucas informs him, now directing everyone, “We will move to the passage exit, when we are close I will use hand signals. Stay in twos to whom you have been partnered with. We each understand where we are heading once we are out of the passage inside the castle?” he scans the faces before him, as they nod in agreement. “Dominious has informed me, the vampires main form of attack is ambush. Because you see no one, expect them to always be there. Let us travel forward.”

Opal bellows a whinny as he stretches his wings fully and lowers his horn. They pause for a moment, Margret translating, “That is just his way of wishing us well.”

The group stays silent and begins to walk on, but Lucas falls behind for a moment, giving Opal a reassuring tap against the chain mail, “We will meet again, my friend.” He passes Margret and Dominious and returns to the front of the line.

Dominious stays close to Margret, whispering toward her, “Our goal is to find Sultana. Lucius will be on the battle field, they will have the pleasure in killing him.” voice spitting hatred as she continues to move forward.

“We need to stay level headed.” Margret follows her, “Revenge can make us unfocused and week.”

“Revenge is what gives me power and determination. They will suffer for what they have done to Figaro and every child that burned in that village. For every mother that had to feel helpless. I want them to have a slow death, tearing at every inch of them before killing their black hearts.” Dominious stays focused on the path before her, avoiding Margret’s judgmental eyes.

“You are a good person Dominious. Torturing them will only torture you.” Margret tries to level her.

“Ugh,” Dominious tears away at a vine before her, “Much easier be a vampire through woods; I feel so slow and week as a mortal.”

Margret appreciates her trying to change the subject but has little words for response. Dominious has been through so much while returning to Earth; sometimes just letting her vent was what she needed most.

Lucas comes to a halt. “We’re here. Everyone approach smoothly. To the left will begin. We will try to draw out the hiding.”

“Trees.” Dominious reminds Lucas, “Likely to be up.”

He nods giving Misha and Eryi the signal to move forward. They split from the group, heading toward the opening, surrounded by few trees. There is silence in the air until the wind howls and now a flash of lighting flickers in the sky, accompanied by a rumble of thunder.

Misha and Eryi head toward the passage door with no interference. Misha yanks on the old door and it squeaks open, only darkness on the other side.

Margret shares glances with the others, Dominious leaning into Margret whispering in her ear, “They’re out there.”

In that moment Margret wasn’t exactly sure if she was referring to Misha and Eryi or the vampires, but suddenly the clarity was obvious. Branches and twigs crack loudly behind the remaining six, accompanied with snarl and growls.

Margret flings her body around, falling backyard and tumbling down the hill. She struggles to find her footing, catching a glimpse of Misha and Eryi running into the dark passage.

Dominious throws herself down the hill, landing at Margret’s footing, and “Draw your weapon!” she screams at her while transforming a ring upon her finger.

She aims it at a vampire leaping toward them; disintegrate him in midair, then grabbing Margret’s hand and dragging her to the tunnel, slamming the door behind them. It is pitch black, she can barely see Dominious standing in front of her face.

“What happened back there?” Dominious scolds.

“I…I…” Margret takes a deep breath.

“Draw your weapon.” Dominious demands.

Margret slighting twist the ring on her finger, allowing it to transform into her sword.

“Take your advice and stay level headed,” Dominious mocks. “Or it will be my head that Colm and Lucas will have. I am an enemy until I prove myself otherwise. Understand?”

Margret nods, “I’m ready, I just didn’t expect them behind us…”

Dominious pushes forward abruptly swinging her sword and beheading a vampire that leaps at them through the darkness. Margret’s body jolts, not having time to realize it was there, “Be prepared for anything. You’re not dealing with humans. They are speedy. Hunters.”

“Okay, I’m ready. Going to pretend they are raptors.” Margret tries a pep talk with herself.

Dominious shoots an odd glance her way, “Whatever you propose, just do it.”

Dominious tugs at her to follow, leading her up the stairs through the narrow passage, “Watch your step,” Dominious warns, stepping over an icy body.  “Misha and Eryi should’ve taken care of most through here; Doesn’t mean more won’t be coming.” Dominious runs the sword through the body, shattering it to pieces, “He’d still be alive if he’d ever thaw…”

“I didn’t notice they gave you a sword.” Margret thinks, “I didn’t notice the ring at all.”

“They offered arrows, I’m no good with them.” She says placing her palm on Margret’s chest halting her and pointing up ahead.

A brim of light touches the crack of a door, “Ready yourself,” Dominious whispers, anyone could be on the other side.

Margret nods, following her as they creep up to the opening. Dominious taps the door, letting it open wider.


Dominious slinks her body out the doorway, pressing her back against the door, signaling for Margret to lean against the railing, they both slowly slide down the wooden stairs.

Without warning, Margret’s arm is grabbed, swinging her over the rail, causing her sword to fling from grasp. Her back thuds against the wooden floor, the shock tingling against her spine.

Dominious leaps over the railing, ready for battle… but it is only Misha and Eryi.   

“Apologies,” Misha extends her arm pulling Margret to her feet, as she tries to rub the burn out of her back; Eryi shoves her sword back into her hand.

“Anyone else make it through?” Eryi asks as if no mistake was made.

“We went in after you,” Dominious informs, “I closed the door to slow down any vampires that might follow.”

“We should move forward as planned,” Misha decides, pulling the lagoad from her arm, resting it on her shoulder.

We split up as planned.” Eryi confirms with a nod and without hesitation Misha and him slide out the door before Margret and Dominious can respond.

“You’ve got your shit together?” Dominious glares toward Margret.

“It’s together.” Margret stands tall, “Let’s fuck up some vampires.”

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