Welcome To The Realm

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Realm Komiks Prequel Chapter 28: Tsunami

Chapter 28

“Daddy!” Janet cries, “They are inching toward me… I’m freaking out…” she presses her back against the dirt wall.

Daniel haunted by the sight of his daughter’s terror, eases forward to the edge, feet first. Thunder clouds roll heavier above them Janet gives off high pitch scream. “Daddy! What should I do?” the words fly out of her mouth as a exclamation rather than a question.

Daniel doesn’t answer, he is figuring out his own strategy on how to ease his body in the ditch, but instead he slips, swiftly sliding him to the bottom, the mud marking his clothes.

She grabs hold of him tightly, “Daddy, are you okay?”

Dusting himself off he stands, without a moment of hesitation he embraces Janet in his arms. “You’re going to be okay.” He assures her, his eyes meeting the open tunnel’s beady gazes. “Janet,” he wraps her thin cheek bones with his fingertips, “I’m going to put you on my shoulders, I want to see if you can balance yourself to a standing position and reach for the top. Okay?”

Lighting divides the sky as he helps her climb to his shoulders, his knees wobble as he keeps his balance, rising her closer to freedom , “Try to stand, use the wall to keep your balance, I’ve got your ankles.”

Janet braces herself against the muddy wall, her thin legs trying to steady her torso as she rises toward the opening. Petite hands stretch, her tiny fingers struggling to reach for the edge. “Daddy, I’m not tall enough…”

Suddenly a familiar hand reaches down, grabbing her arm and locking it around theirs, “Mom!” she gasps with relief.

“I’ve got you Janet.” Susan strains and Mateo leans over to help.

“Mom.” She wraps her scrawny arms around her mother’s neck as Nora looks up to the sky watching the clouds part and the sun peek through.

“Susan!” Daniel shouts, “You made it!”

She smiles over the edge at her husband while Mateo and now Steve secure the rope around a tree, “We will get you of there. We have some other friends up here to help.” Daisy leans over the ditch, her slobbery tongue hanging out and panting.

“Did you go and get a dog?” Daniel tries to joke, turning his head to scope the gazing Iguanas who have now inched closer. Their slant nostrils now visible, “I know it sounds insane, but I really think these Iguanas down here want to attack me.”

“You’ll be okay, Daddy, these guys will get you out…” Janet yells into the depths.

Mateo throws the rope into the hole and Steve peers over calling to him. “You know how it’s done?”

“I believe so, sir,” Daniel answers, locking his arms into the thick twine after sliding his boot into the loop.

Mateo and Steve begin to pull while Nora and Susan get on the end trying to add some strength. Daniel braces his feet against the wall, the mud rolling down as he begins to lift himself off the ground. His freedom not far away, but suddenly his shoes and ankles begin to be tugged on, Daisy barks hysterically. Needle pointed claws sink into his legs drawing blood immediately, biting continues.

“What the…” Daniel kicks his legs in shock.

Mateo calls, “Stop dancing the rope!”

“Daisy, quiet!” Steve scolds over the commotion though she doesn’t listen, the dog’s behavior only becoming more anxious.

Daniel uses all his muscles, desperately trying to climb out of the creatures reach, but now his waist is tugged at and he crashes backwards into the dirt.

A woman, appearing of Asian descent, stares down at him, her eyes hollow and black. The iguanas stalk around him, threatening his next move.

“Daniel!” Susan shouts triggering Poisonous Dart’s head to jerk to the opening.

Mateo, Steve, who pulls Daisy back, restraining her with a leash, are now also hovered over the depth. Nora kindly holds Janet back, stroking her arm, “They’ve got it…” Nora whispers to the little girl, wanting to offer her comfort.

Daniel quickly stands bracing himself more a brief second before ramming his body into Dart, knocking her down. Before she realizes what has happened, he is grasping the rope, using her as leverage to escape.

“Quick, pull him up!” Susan shouts to Steve and Mateo who are already tugging on the rope, Nora, intercepting Daisy’s leash as the Labrador whines.

Susan stretches her waist, reaching for Daniel’s shoulders, fingertips desperately trying to hook his shirt. They are not quick enough, Dart rises to her feet, yanking at his back, causing him to crash against the dirt.

“No!” Susan shouts, “Let him go!”

Dart ignores her pleas, grabbing Daniel by the throat before he is able to find his bearing. The neck in his veins pulse as poison injects into his blood stream, the whites of his eyes bulging from his skull, he’s gasping for air, body twitching from the shock.

“No! What are you doing to him? Stop!” Susan demands suddenly her words transformed to pleas,” Please, stop! Stop! Let him go!”

Janet frees herself from Nora, dangling above her mother, “Daddy!” she cries as the dark clouds return, hiding the sun, “Let him go! Don’t hurt my Daddy!”

Poisonous Dart releases Daniel, his limp body thuds against the dirt floor.

“Nooooo….” Janet screams as a crash of thunder echoes.

Susan grabs Janet into her arms, shielding her from the sight, confused if this is a reality.
Poisonous Dart allows them no time to process the event; she leaps to the surface, flipping into the air with a twirl before landing her bended legs beachy grass.
Crouching, her hallow eyes are accompanied by a grimacing grin plastered upon her face.

“Run!” Nora shouts pulling at Steve’s arm, Daisy leading with her tongue flapped out as if now they were playing a game.

Mateo follows and Susan tugs on Janet, trying to direct her to the front of the group.

Rain pours to the ground, slapping them in face, becoming slightly easier to run when the thick, dry sands flattens with water.

Dart leaps back and forth off the trees, taunting them, finally slamming her feet into the sand before them; Iguanas creeping slowly behind, causing a trap.

Lighting streaks against the sky with a blast of thunder shouting in the sky, the showers become heavier; Daisy frantically, barks causing the iguanas’ slight hesitation.

“You Earthlings are part of no army at all,” Dart observes, “You’ve merely stumbled an accident?”

Susan says nothing, grabbing Janet tight against her Steve, Mateo and Nora huddled close, Nora’s knuckles white from the pull on the leash.

“Unfortunate for you, to have to die.” Her teeth glim through her lips, lighting reflecting in her eyes.

“Step away from them Poisonous Dart!” A strong voice commands from behind.

Poisonous Dart turns, the Iguanas closing the circle around the group, anxiously awaiting command.

“Who are you?” Dart spits, with annoyance in her voice.

“Tsunami. Planet Acquavodo. Here to stop you.” Her chest puffs, as if to introduce herself with intimidation.

Dart laughs, “This is your army?” gesturing to Kae.

“You’re only one person, I don’t need an army.” Tsunami confidently announces, disclosing the three dimensional gold spear behind her back, allowing it to extend at full length.

“Tsunami…” Kae whispers, doubting their decision, “We need to wait for Bruinen and…”

“There’s no time.” She scolds, the rain slapping her in the face, keeping her gaze toward Dart, “this storm gives us the upper hand, Dart doesn’t have a chance. Get the others to safety…”

Before completing her thought Dart leaps at Tsunami, but she anticipates the attack in time, waving the gold wand, a blast of water pushing Dart’s rump to thud against the sand.

“This way!” Kae screams at the group, using a similar weapon as Tsunami, parting the Iguanas’ barricade.

Susan wraps her arm around Janet, attempting added security around her daughter. Their feet pound against the wet sand following Kae to boats without any questions asked, the survival adrenaline pulsing through Susan’s veins.

“Get into dryness,” Kae’s usual soft voice, roars over the rain, smacking him in the face, “Do not try to escape your boats into the waters, the storm is too fierce and your vessels will…”

Susan cuts him short with panic in her voice, “Where’s Nora?” she realizes her friend is missing.  “Nora!” Susan shouts over the downpour, the thunder mocking her worry, “Nora!” again her call presses into the air searching for response.

Steve grabs Susan’s arm shoving Daisy’s leash into her hand, “I’ll find her.”

“I want to go too,” she insists.

Janet grabs hold of her mother’s arm tighter, “Don’t leave me, mom.” Her wide eyes beg, stringy hair plastered to the side of her neck. “I can’t have you leave me.”

“Janet, I need you to be strong…” Susan begins but Steve interrupts.

“Your daughter needs you. I might know where Nora ran off to. Get Janet sheltered before she finds herself sick.” Steve gives her a reassuring nod.

“It’s too dangerous to go alone.” Susan insists.

“I’ll go.” Mateo chimes, “Get Janet inside.” He turns to Kae, “Sir, please watch over them.”

“My coordinates will remain outside of your boat, for I am to await my people.” Kae informs. “Tsunami is in a dangerous situation,” he continues with concern, as if they know Tsunami well, “She wasn’t elected to move forward, we are to retrieve…” Kae’s words trail as he is disclosing too much information.

“Your partner’s choice saved our lives…” Susan recalls.

Kae struggles to explain, “Oh, she’s not my…”

Susan cuts him off with haste, “Bring Nora back.” Reversing her attention to Steve, “I can’t lose…” she takes a deep breath, “Come back safe, with Nora.”

Steve and Mateo are at little words; Steve delivers a jerky nod, tugging on Mateo and scurrying off.

Susan pulls Janet onto the bobbing boat, rocking against the restless waves. Into the shelter, Janet rushes against her soggy mother, her face pressing against Susan’s stomach, sobbing uncontrollably.

Susan tightly comforts her daughter, in shock, continuing to process the events that have occurred. Her words of comfort are lost.


Poisonous Dart flings to her feet, hunching down, Iguanas hissing behind her, the rain flattening her long, dark locks against her cheek bones. “You will lose and I will have no mercy in killing you. It will be an enjoyment.”

Tsunami flexes her arm, aiming the ‘mesipike’ toward the amphibian creature, propelling heavy streams of water in her direction. Dart continuously leaps, avoiding the attempted hits. Tsunami pauses, glaring at Poisonous Dart who flaunts a wry grimace. Frustration and furry cloud Tsunami and she uncontrollably aim the wand miscellaneously, with failing effort of her target. Water bridges build upon one another, allowing Tsunami more of an attempt for striking her, the plan effective, Dart finally is struck against her pelvic area. Tsunami loses the moment of victory when the Iguanas oddly perching themselves, assist her quickly to an upright position.

“I have just as many tricks as you do.” Tsunami taunts, being cocky, but before she can finish boasting, Poisonous Dart acrobatically tumbles, landing her face to face with Tsunami. Dart kicks her weapon, knocking from her loosened hands, the weapon tumbles to the ground. Dart gives a final shove to it with her foot while swiftly grabbing Tsunami’s thin neck.

Tsunami gasp, her focus fuzzy, the air feeling heavy against her chest. Poisonous Dart’s head tilts as she zeros in on Tsunami’s blue eyes, filling her veins with deadly poison.

The burning sensation pulse through every micro of her body, probing each major artery with a deeper sting as it passes.   “Ahhhhh,” Tsunami screams in agony, struggling to break free. Tsunami’s brain fogs and thoughts are broken fragments, but she somehow manages to turn each raindrop in to sharp snippets, launching them into Poisonous Dart’s back.

The unexpected ache propels Dart’s body into the packed sand, causing her to free Tsunami from her claws. Loose, from Dart’s grips, Tsunami tries to gain control but it feels as though a fire has ignited her insides. Every grain of sand, against her skin, is like pricks of glass shards, stinging her skin. She fights to keep conscious losing to the darkness her eyelids fall shut.


Nora’s flat feet pound from the wet sand to the thick grassy path, leading her to the ditch where Daniel lays limp in the depth. With slight hesitation she pauses as the opening, analyzing the best approach to lower herself, noticing the rope still hugging the tree. She quickly tugs at her shoes, releasing her moistened socks from her damp wrinkling feet. She wraps them around her palms to shield from any burns and abseils down the muddy ditch. A puddle of water flings droplets to meet the rain as her feet smack against it and she sloshes to Daniel lifting his head onto her lap. She smears away the mud from his cheek, studding his face for a moment. “Don’t go too far…” she softly instructs, placing her ring and middle finger against the silent vein in his neck, allowing her eyes to fall shut and concentrating….

Her soul is swept to dark emptiness, foggy, hard to see. She rapidly advances through the darkness, a spotlight not far ahead; she snatches another deep breath and then carries her legs harder toward the light, blinding her… only emptiness through the brightness. She fears he has already crossed and she can go no further with breath left in her lungs. She has failed her new friend; she wasn’t quick enough to get back to him…

Finally admitting her defeat, she turns back toward the darkness, pausing before her first step when a voice chimes from behind, “Who’s there?”

“Daniel!” she squeals, “Follow my voice!”

“I need to go to the light…” he is illuminated in the whiteness, his face not yet visible.
“No, Daniel! Follow my voice back to the darkness. I will take you back to Susan and Janet. They need you! Don’t go any further into the light.” The paused moment feels like an eternity, as his conflicted stance finally heads in her direction.

“It… is… so painful…” he grunts as he closes toward her, visible for a brief a moment between the light and dark. “The further I walk into the light the lighter…”

“I know Daniel,” Nora interrupts, “But we don’t have much time. Your body is poisoned, it is going to be very painful, but you have to fight through it for your wife and daughter. If you fight through it I promise there is an antidote, and we will have more time with your wife and daughter where you breathe with lungs… Come back to them, Daniel, fight through it, please…” she extends her hand toward him and he quickly grabs it.

“I’ll do anything for my loves.” He squeezes Nora’s hand, “Take me to them…”

Nora’s eyes fling open, conscious the rain is continuing to thump in the hole around them, creating its personal concert between the puddles and mud. Daniel’s chest rises as his lungs inflate, pulling oxygen into his body. “Way to do it,” Nora whispers to him, “Way to do it.” A relief escapes her mouth as she now removes her fingers from his founded pulse.

“Nora!” She hears Steve shouting from above. “Nora!” he calls again before she has a chance to answer.

“Down here!” she hollers.

Nora finds the sky, between the droplets and Steve and Mateo’s head appear over the side.

“He’s alive!” Nora shouts up to them, “Help us out!”


 The Royal Bahama defense force pulls their boats to the island, quickly unloading with their weapons drawn, an Acquavado water craft close behind. Kae approaches the commander, “This way!” he calls gesturing up the beach.

The commander turns to Kae,”We are instructed to await your Sovereign.”

A long robe covers the body exiting the craft and Kae rushes in,” Soverign Bruinen, Tsunami …”

The cloak is pulled away from the face revealing Nawfar’s elf like structure, “Sovereign Nawfar,” Kae chokes.

She pushes past him without words, heading forward, the RBD following close behind.

Nawfar comes to a clearing, Poisonous Dart’s head jerking in their direction, her back dripping with specks of blood. Nawfar’s eyes scan past her, finding Tsunami on the ground inches in front of Dart’s boots, unconscious but lungs slightly taking air, “Grab the antidote,” she barks at one of the men, not removing her fixated pupils on the frozen woman before her.

Nawfar waves her hand against the pattering rain drops, causing them to forge a shield, allowing only an escape for Dart is she were to chance a fight against Nawfar and the RBD. Baracading Tsunami’s sprawled limbs away from danger, on the other side of Dart.

Poisonous Dart steadily rotates her body toward Nawfar and the defense; her lips purse with victory, no fear or distress in her stance. A smirk jabs her jaw bone, as if it were attached.

“Surrender.” Nawfar finally demands, over the crashing sky.

Poisonous Dart yanks a delicate raven feather from her glove, causing the RBD to prepare to fire their weapons, but before anyone can respond she waves the feather into their air, opening a portal and leaping through, it closing before anyone has time to react to the event.

Nawfar lowers her palm, allowing the rain to rest in its own pattern, quickly accepting Poisonous Dart’s escape with no regret. The water shield clears a visual of the RBD injecting Tsunami with the serum to save her life. They lay Tsunami’s limp limbs upon the stretcher, Kae running toward the scene. “Sovereign Nawfar!” he waves for her attention when halted by the RBD.

“Allow him to pass,” Nawfar instructs her face long with bitterness.

“Is Tsunami going survive?” he genuinely wonders with regret.

Nawfar’s neck slightly pivots, “I should assume the stone was not retrieved.” Her questions alter to a firm statement.

“Sovereign…I…Tsunami…” Kae stumbles on his words.

“Was the mission for Tsunami and yourself unclear?” she rhetorically mocks.

“Very clear, Sovereign.” He pauses deciding to take advantage of the moment of silence, “It was only that…”

She raises her hand, stopping his words. “This is neither the time nor place of discussion. Tsunami and you are to be summoned by the counsel upon returning.” She turns away from him; her tiny feet appear to float above the sand as she carries herself away.

Kae inhales a deep breath, running toward Tsunami, who now mumbles on the stretcher, “Is she responsive?” he questions a fellow in the RBD.

“The serum is taking effect as planned, but it will be your people’s to determine is she will survive, as ours know little to none of this poison she has been injected.” One of the RBDs honestly informs.

Kae leans into Tsunami, keeping pace with the men, “Tsu, you okay?”

“We won…” her eyebrows rise to the jewels on her forehead.

Kae is unsure on how to answer her inquiry. He decides he will explain later…


Susan flees the boat, into the dampness after overhearing Dart had disappeared. Janet grabs hold of her mom’s hand, refusing to let go, stroking Daisy’s fur to keep her calm through the commotion. They witness the RBD, closing areas off, marking the sights, as though investigation is needed. The brave woman being taken away on a stretcher, Kae running alongside, his mouth ongoing to the men; a tiny woman in a long cloak, tired of observation, heading to a ship that is none of this Earth’s.

She squeezes Janet’s hand, peering down beside her, Janet’s fingers vigorously stroking the Labrador’s fur. It is now that she wants to tell her daughter that ‘it is over.’ But she is not sure what is over and what has begun. She is unsure of her daughter’s safety, on where they will go next and how they will cope without Daniel; if they are able to cope without Daniel…

“Mommy?” Janet suddenly murmurs exasperated, Susan not sure if she has a question or a statement.

Susan tilts her head toward her daughter, Daisy already prancing, ready to jet in the direction behind them, Janet’s eyes wide at the visual.

Susan curves her neck, stretching it behind her, allowing her body to follow as it catches up to the brain with what she is now seeing. She frees her daughter’s hand, which has no choice but to allow Daisy her freedom, the canine tongue flapping against the droplets or rain. Four figures stumble toward them, one being crutched in the middle.  Susan’s breath becomes quick, her eyes submerged with wetness.

“Daniel!” Susan sobs with disbelief.

“Listen, we need the serum, does the army ahead have the vaccine?” Nora intercepts the moment, before her fingers can reach for her husband, Janet already grasping his waste, Daniel holding himself up between Steve and Mateo.

“I…uh…I don’t know…” hastily Susan scans her brain trying to recall if Kae had ever mentioned a serum.

Nora drops Susan’s arms, pushing forward toward the RBD; they take guard for a moment but lose it as her words echo through the clearing storm, “We need the vaccine! We have a survivor!” she calls to them, as though she knows exactly what she speaks of.

One of the men fall away from the others, rushing toward her with a small, handled box bouncing against his side, “Who is it?” he quickly ask allowing Nora to lead him toward Daniel.

Steve and Mateo clear, helping to sit Daniel down, the man quickly opening his case, revealing a line of needles, he untucks one, flicking the syringe before shoving it into Daniel’s jugular vein. Susan gawks helpless as Daniel’s chest leads his torso to convulsions. Seconds, feeling like long drawn out minutes, Susan stares helplessly at her husband’s body, kneeling by his side.  There is a long pause, and then suddenly, he stops and is still, his eyes flutter, grasping the clarity before him. “Susan. Janet.” He gasps, standing to his feet with little effort, as if he never were in trauma.

Susan and Janet simultaneously embrace Daniel, his arms grasping them tight, Daniel’s chin sinking into the top of Susan’s head, relief stations itself tight in her chest, her face tilting toward him for a brief second, giving confirmation to the heart, that she was not delusional.

The thunder is absent, the lighting as if it never were in the air; the clouds withdraw, allowing the sun beam in the blue sky, as if a storm were never present.

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