Welcome To The Realm

Monday, October 2, 2017

Chapter 29: Darkness and Light

Darkness and Light
Chapter 29:

The dark hallways were dimly lit with moonlight, flashes of lighting brightening the shadows before they fall flat. 

“It’s like an abandoned museum,” Margret whispers to Dominious. ,”Eerie, silent… nothing.”

Dominious pauses, “You’re correct. Something is off...” Her ear catches a hint of noise, “Shh.” she tugs at Margret's arm. 

Margret scans through the darkness alert and motionless.

“It only is friend,” a familiar voice echoes down the hall.

The ladies twirl their bodies to discover Lucas and Cirocco briskly heading toward them. A wave of relief swallows Margret, “They’re safe.” Margret’s voice sounds hopeful, noticing solace also over Dominious’ change in demeanor.

“Did the other batch in our company find themselves fortunate?” Dominious blurts what Margret is wondering, but doesn’t find herself bold enough to allow it to echo down the hallway.  

Lucas and Cirocco are now feet away, “They did. Definitely didn’t hurt having the Planeteers advanced assortment of weaponry on our side.” He nods toward Cirocco and the peeks of her lips meet her cheek, as if they are sharing an inside joke of a sort.

“And Lucas’ charms his way into another.” Dominious brazenly concludes, risking a moment of sounding jealous.

Margret smirks at the truth in Dominious’ accusation. Lucas was very delightful and his charisma was infectious. Yet, it is difficult for Margret to grasp her head around Dominious’ udder blunt behavior, seeing it was only days ago she was fragile and broken. She wondered to herself if Dominious’ personality came from being a vampire, the anger she now holds or if she were always so crass.

Margret finds herself searching for the familiar  intrusion on her thoughts, feeling alone from the silence. Thoughts of Colm and Zulima on the battle field begin to leave her uneasy...

“The other side of the castle is where Sultana must be harbored.” Lucas interrupts Margret’s moment of loneliness.

“What I have also reckoned.” Dominious agrees. “It also confirms they don’t have the warrior tally to guard the complete perimeter of the castle. Earth people and Planeteers coordinated too quickly for her to fulfill her conquer as planned.”

“What we encountered in the tunnels has to be the worst of it.” Cirocco figures.

“No, Sultana is the worse of it.” Dominious’ voice is flat, her words heading of a warning more than a statement.

Lucas directs, “You two head in the direction you were, and we will head opposite, passing in the courtyard toward the other side of the castle. Eryi and Misha stand foot at the passage. They will join us, in case we run into any problems, but will not leave the post until we have eyes on Sultana. Do the two of you feel okay to carry forward with one another?”

Margret and Dominious share a silent glance, but Margret is quiet not to answer first. Lost a bit for words, knowing how week she appeared in Dominious’ eyes.

“I think so.” Dominious answers without hesitation, giving Margret a since of relief, not being rejected.

“You?” Lucas’ attention zeros in on Margret’s silence.

“Yes. Yes, I feel very safe with Dominious.” She reassures everyone.

“All right then. Let’s get moving.” Lucas instructs his light demeanor escaping as his back turns on them and he continues in the opposite direction, Cirocco pursues in silence.

Margret’s arm is slightly tugged on, “Come on.” Dominious tilts her in the direction they need to go and she follows next to her.

“Have you had any of those visions?” she whispers toward her, “Since we’ve been here?”

“I haven’t.” Margret disappointedly mumbles, yet a sense of relief, the visions were usually awful.

“Sultana can get into people’s heads, when she wants, predict their next move or thoughts. Something to keep in mind. If you are not expecting it you will have to work hard to block her invading.”  As if Dominious is sharing after thoughts, trying to prepare Margret, “Are you able to get into other people’s minds?”

“Only Colm’s. Apparently it’s some sort of soulmate thing, he can be rather intrusive sometimes, but he can’t tap into my negative emotions, and doesn’t understand them.”

Margret’s head meets Dominious’ neck, but she doesn’t turn toward her, continuing to stare ahead. “I find it impossible to believe in their world.” She shrugs.

“I’ve seen it with my own eyes and still find it impossible to understand most days. But…” she is cut off with a figure slinking down the hallway, about fifty feet in front of them. Dominious’ palm taps Margret’s waist causing her to halt.

“Is it..” Margret whispers, but she gasp as she suddenly finds her neck wrapped between Dominious’ forearm, held tightly, a small blade against her neck. Margret’s whites bulge to her skull, the woman from down the hall coming into focus.

“Well, well, well, look who’s returned, with a human prisoner no less, a present for the Queen? She isn’t impressed with your absence escapade.”

“I only needed time to think, grasp my head around things, remember what is really important, and remind myself of where my loyalties lay.” Domnious pulls Margret tighter into her. Still stronger than Margret has realizes.

Adrenaline now pumping swiftly through Margret, her mind is strained from the events. “Is Dominous REALLY turning against her? Has she been playing all of them? Is this her plan to lure a win in for Sultana? Does she plan to transform back to a vampire?”

Chayse pauses, sniffing the air as if a dog would scout it’s surrounding before proceeding, her nose scrunches and her face has a bit of confusion, her scarlet eyes scanning the perimeter where they stand.

“What is it?” Dominious inquires her voice innocent against Margret’s ear.

“Dominious is pretending... hoaxing this vampire...” Margret's worry dig deeper, as she continues to convince herself, “She isn’t betraying me.... she isn't....

 “Shh.” Chayse scolds Dominious, “I smell blood other than hers. Someone else is here.” Chayse begins to sniff the room, as a wolf sniffing out a rabbit.

Margret wishes to see Dominious’ quiet expression, searching for a sense of her loyalty; it was only a matter of time that she would discover Dominous… Chayse pauses, a smirking grin crossing her face, quickly her brows dive inward toward the brim of her nose, her tongue twisting to the roof of her mouth, exposing her pearly fangs.

“Hmpf.” Chayse shrugs, “Odd.”

Dominious gropes the knife tighter against Margret’s neck, the pressure stings the skin, and Margret senses a warmth tingle against her collar bone, light headed, things start become a blur, Chayse’s blurry image closing in, 'She’s cut my neck… I’m bleeding…' Margret process, 'Why has she cut me...?' 

“Why are you really here, Dominious?” Chayse’s pupils anticipate flames, the small scratch on Margret's neck becoming too big of a distraction.

There is a pause.

Moments of silence.

Dominious decisively shoves Margret to the wooden floor, freeing her from being an easy target, her body sliding across the floor and slamming her rump against the wall. A grunt escapes her vocal cords when the sharpness vibrates to her throat.

Dominious stance comes to a draw, her fingers slightly twitching, anticipating her weapon.

“Impossinble.” Chayse fang pokes above her bottom lip in a moments thought. “How?”

“Is that a genuine question or a statement?” Dominious entertains Chayse shocking discovery.

“You’ve become a snooty thing.” Chayse taunts inches away from Dominious.

“Witnessing all you’ve loved and dreamt in flames tends to have that affect.” Dominous spits standing strong at Chayse's imitating approach.

“It’s not our choice to have dreams. You foolishly continued to survive as if you were mortal, our Queen had to always remind you of what you really are…" Chayse pauses for a moment, "Were…” Shooting Margret a quick glare as reminder she hadn’t forgotten her being, “Look, at you now, Dominious… one of the Queen’s favorite... week, broken…pathetic.”

“Surrender and we will let you live.” Dominious warns, irked of the idle chat.

“Let me live?” Chayse’s neck tilts back as her deriding laugh echoes between the walls.

There is a moment of silence.

Chayse and Dominious' eyes glare, their bodies frozen, their fists tight.

Margret observes the face off, decing to try and slide her body to a stance but Chayse's head flings in her direction leaving Margret at a standstill; But Dominious ceases the opportunity and rushes Chayse. Her forarm rams into Chayse's gut, pain shooting into her bone as if she has plowed a brick wall.

Chayse scoffs, "Mortality is weak." She grabs hold of Domious flinging her body around as if she were a dainty rag doll. Tiring of the play, Chayse finally allows her body a rest as she grasp her neck between her fingers, imperiously pinning it to the wall.  “Move and she dies.” Chayse warns Margret, recalling the vulnerability of her back towards the enemy.

“As if you don’t have the intentions on killing me.” Dominious chokes, struggling to gain eye contact with Margret whom stands out of view.

“I guess how to kill you would be most appropriate.” Chayse cracks, a glimpse of lighting highlighting the point of her fang.

Margret observes the women's back and forth, mind racing quick to recall the best solution on how to save her friend. 

Dominious' exhausted voice gurgles through the blood to boast,“The Queen will have your head if you destroy me. Sultana will want to do with me as she pleases, your interference will cost your life.”

Chayse's grin presses against her cheeks, “Oh, Dominious, the Queen will never know you were in this castle.”

“Doubtful. She knows everything you do under her roof.” Dominious steals this opportunity to swing her body into Margret's eye sight, before Chayse grabs control, Dominious shoots Margret a moment of reassurance, “Do it.” She instructs in a bellowing whisper.

Margret abruptly transforms the ring upon her finger, aiming the sword in the direction of  the women, unsure on where to strike, their bodies struggling against one another. Margret steadies the sword, her stance preparing to seize opportunity to gain a clear shot of the intended target.
Chayse, comprehending their intentions, instantly snaps her body against the wall, flinging Dominious' body as a shield.  Dominious struggles catching, Margret's wide eyed face filled with dread, afflicted when to strike.

Margret slows her breathing, and straightens her body posture, appearing poised and collected. A moment of stillness, the women focus on one another. The storm breaking the silence, Margret positions her sword on her forearm, dragging the blade across her skin, wincing from the burn as it slices into her flesh. Her blood quickly grabs at oxygen, rolling down her wrist and dripping on the floor.

Chayse's eyes burn with desire, holding her stance, Dominious tight against her.

Hush fills the walls between the storm outside.

Another drop of blood escapes to the floor, the splash magnitude, dripping into the puddle of red.

Chayse's hisses between her fangs, Dominious' conveys approval in her worn down eyes, Chayse wouldn't be able to resist, every sound and smell in the air will drive her to attack. Human blood leaves her vulnerable, she is as if a newborn with little control.

"Margret, you win." Dominious mocks between her breath.

Chayse's scrunches her face, anger tugging at her forehead, she swiftly snaps Dominious' neck before leaping over her limp body.

Margret's breath escapes, as if she's been punched in the gut, witnessing the lifeless body hit the floor.  "Nooooooooooooooo......." the scream echoes against the walls, without hesitation she fires the gleaming sword at the vampire, disintegrating it to pieces inches from where she stands.

She hastily moves past the ashes, allowing her sword to hit the stone where Dominious lays, wrapping Dominious' supple head in her arms. "Dom, Dom," she strokes her red locks, with some little miracle that she might wake.

She pauses staring at her new friend, the blood still oozing from her arm, the darkness soaking into Dominious' ginger strands. Her lips press against Dominious' forehead, "Your fight will never be in vain." she whispers, allowing Dominious' head to rest against the floor.

Ripping off a piece of the fabric from Dominious' top, she wraps it tightly against the wound on her arm, then removing Dominious' ring from her finger and adding it to hers. "I will be back for you." she stands, exhaling a deep breath before turning away continuing down the hall.


Margret reaches the courtyard, the lull in the air eerily allowing the raindrops to answer the silence as they tap against the stone. Keeping herself armed, sword visible, she steps into the rain, tolerating it soaking in her clothes, prepossessing to  the other side of the building. 

She desires Lucas to be other side, waiting with  Cirocco, but they could have been attacked as well... They might not be alive... he is her the only one wired to the outside castle walls. She has no way to radio for help or backup...

Margret stews on the thoughts for seconds before returning to the environment surrounding her when she almost trips on a body sprawled to the ground. She gasp, but a closer look helps her to see it is vampire that met his fate. She spies the three wooden stakes shot in the heart, "Lucas'," she mumbles hopeful to herself.

She wants to call out to him through the darkness, standing and observing in which direction she should travel. She closes her eyes for a brief moment, struggling for a vision to give her guidance, but nothing haunts her mind. "Damn it." frustrated, she takes notice to her intuition and decides to accept it for navigation.

Before she is able to put thought on what do to next, a vampire jumps in view, staring her down, his fist clenched. Without hesitation she aims her sword, disbanding what stands before her.  "Blade, first, they could be innocent people..." whispering to herself, thinking of her deceased friend.

The hall widens, exposing doors with hidden rooms behind them. The view is overwhelming, but the anger pulsing in her blood moves her forward without hesitation. She is now determined more than ever to finish Dominious' quest, there is a finish line, and she will find it.

Her body progresses with a sense of purpose, a vampire leaping to attack, she swings her sword through it's body, forcing it limp, and continuing on before it has a chance to hit the floor. Adrenaline drives, steering her arm, continuously swinging as vampires begin to fill the hall, springing toward her. There is a break, and she steps over the bodies that have a chance of survival, proud of her victory, until she raises her neck to follow the hallway, seeing a dozen more beady, glowing eyes staring back at her. Her breath tugs to the back of her throat, adjusting her body for the attack, she allows Dominious' ring to transform into a sword so she is doubled armed. The swords, normally heavy against her biceps, feel like feathers in the moment.

They charge at her, she is still, observing every stone they pass, waiting patiently to snag them with her swords. Their bodies finally rain upon her, arms wildly swinging, she persistently slashes at limbs, causing blood to spill into puddles. There is a break. She straightens her body, ready to move forward, forced to halt as new figures rise into the hallway, blocking her path. A sigh of annoyance escapes her lips, "Really?"

Once again she takes stance, the exhaustion creeping into her veins, she shakes it away, preparing herself for another round.  The distance is shorter and the vampires swiftly surround her. Margret curves her body, confirming the three sixty configuration. She pinwheels her arms and pivoting her body she shoots deadly bolts from the sword, creating a circle ashes encompassing her. Margret's breath heavy, her eyes deep in her sockets, waiting for a third round but quietness falls, allowing the distant thunder to speak.

Margret allows her boot covered leg to step over the ashes and continue, unaware of the pale beast sliding it's body low to the floor from behind. Crouched, it inches close to her heals, tugging at her leg, knocking her flat. The weapons slide from her grasp, her fingers stretch to clench the handle of the closest. The vampire tugs on her, his strength dragging her to his eye level. His face is distorted, more of a demon than a man, nails more like claws, teeth similar to what would be found in a sharks. No emotion showing, only hunger, fiercely struggling, he is too powerful to push away, finally launching at her collar bone with his jaws.  Her eyes wince preparing for the attack but it doesn't happen. The creature is yanked off her body, propping herself on her elbows Margret witnesses Cicrocco's La'Goad twisted around the vampire's ankle, Lucas shooting it with the stake gun before it has a chance to react.

"'Bout time." Margret, with relief, tries to joke down the hallway.

Lucas extends his arm, helping her up, "Where's Dominious?"

Margret can't find the words, she shakes her head with solemn glare.

"Okay." Lucas grimly acknowledges. "The vampire Queen has to be behind one of these doors. I guess we take turns choosing until we win."

Cirocco pushes passed them, moving forward, "That one." she points down the hall at the door, "I can smell the wretched demon."

"Unexpected, but okay." Margret agrees grabbing her other sword from the ground.

"Warrior senses, astonishing," Lucas mumbles toward Margret's ear.

Cirocco smirks, flinging her head towards Lucas, her long pony tail almost smacking his face, "And you haven't yet learned my hearing is just as exceptional?"

"Perhaps, I have learned, but trying to flatter you." Lucas adds lightly.

"I do not weaken at such non-foolery." Cirocco dryly answers, stopping in the hall, pointing at the door before them, quickly changing the direction of the conversation.

"Allow me," Margret pushes froward turning the knob, allowing it to swing open.

Sultana's back welcomes them, her slick figure turned toward the battle scene outside. Margret leads through the door, her heart pounding against her chest, Sultana steadily pivots her body, facing them.

Sultana scoffs, her red lips slighting parting as she sizes them up, "The three of you must be so proud of yourselves. Let me be the first to congratulate you, coming face to face with the Queen without a proper invitation."

"This isn't a game," Margret's anger flares, thoughts of Dominious' pain surging through her veins, "You're killing good, innocent people."

"Lucas, Cirocco and Margret." Sultana smirks as Cirocco tries to move forward but Lucas pauses her, "None, of you are warriors, you are all rejects, only wishing to be a hero..."

"Don't let her get in your head," Margret warns, as Lucas gives a slight nod allowing the three of them to move in position.

"You know nothing of me or what I can do. What I will do." Sultana warns, spitting past her fangs.

"I know what Dominious has told me." Margret snaps.

Sultana's demeaning abruptly shifts, "Tell me what you know of Dominious."

"I know she is dead, because of you." Margret's voice sharply rises.

"The last thing she wanted to do was kill you." Lucas chimes in taunting, causes her attention.

"But now I'm going to kill you for her!" Margret fires the electric blaze from the swords, but Sultana leaps over Margret's head avoiding the hit, almost causing Lucas to be struck. Margret shrieks, as Lucas rolls out of the way. "Sorry!" she shouts at him then feeling a thrust of sharpness, vibrating up her spine and sending her flying against the room on to her rump.

Margret shakes her head, regaining focus, able to witness Lucas blasting his stake gun at her while Cirocco's La'Goad, slaps around Sultana's ankle. Sultana catches the stake, mid flight while tugging on the whip causing Cirocco's body to fling toward her; striking Cirocco in the heart with Lucas' weapon. Margret comprehending as it is happening, rushes to her feet charging to Sultana, Lucas also hastening to try to stop the inevitable. Sultana shoves Cirocco into Lucas' chest, ducking Margret's swords as they cross over her head, once again knocking Margret off her feet.

Lucas holds Cirocco as she gasp for her last breath, "Thank you." the words wisp calmly off her tongue before her caramel eyes fall toward her brow leaving her body heavy. Lucas palm slides over her forehead, closing her eyelids and gently placing her body at rest on the floor. He stands up, observing Margret's attempts to slay Sultana as she toys with her. He pulls his loaded weapons out, shooting mercilessly at her, attempting to slow her down.

Sultana dodges, but one of the stakes finally catches her in the leg, knocking her off balance for a brief moment, she steadies herself, yanking the splinter from her thigh. She launches at Lucas with it, and he grabs her wrist, struggling to force her arm away.  Margret goes full force, ramming her shoulder into Sultana, taking her off guard and striking her to the ground.

Margret's breath is heavy, rage pulses through her veins, sweeping into her heart. "Now, you die forever." she threatens, charging at her with both swords.

As tips are about slay Sultana, she dives out of the away, grabbing Margret from behind. Caught off guard, she becomes Sultana's puppet, Sultana forcing her arms in Lucas' direction, stabbing the swords into his ribs. Lucas howls in pain, Margret struggling to break free from Sultana, lets go of the swords, "Lucas!" she gasp, Sultana shoving her into him, she topples to the ground over him.

"Lucas, Lucas..." Margret backs off of him trying to prop him up. "Don't die Lucas, we will get a healer, don't die."

"Two rodents down and one love to terminate." Sultana taunts slinking toward them.

"Shut up!" Margret screams at her, turning her attention back to Lucas, "Stay with me Lucas," she encourages.

"Kill her." he emphasizes.

Margret swings her neck behind her, Sultana lurking toward them, a wicked grin pressed into her cheeks.

"Take the swords and kill her," he stresses.

"But... but.. if I pull them..." she worries.

"Do it, before she kills you." Lucas warns through the aching in his breaths.

Margret swallows hard, preparing herself for a moment, as Eryi and Leventi suddenly appear in the doorway. Sultana shifts her neck, and Margret using the opportunity to quickly free her swords of Lucas and rush at Sultana, breaking as bright violet light emerges from the middle of the room, and a woman peeking out of it.

"Dart." Sutlana's voice has relief but annoyance in it. She gives a last glance at the three left, and reaches for the woman's hand allowing her to pull her into the light.

"Quick! It's a portal!" Eryi yells moving forward.

Margret now understanding, merciless begins shooting the electric bolts from her weapons, but the portal closes quickly, erasing the women from the room.

Margret currently finds little effort in caring that they escaped and instructs Eryi and Leventi instead, "Quick! It's Lucas! I need to get a healer!"

Eryi and Leventi hurry to Lucas, who barely hang on, Eryi placing his hands on Lucas, slowing down the bleeding with the frigid cold escaping his finger tips. "Hurry!" Eryi exclaims, "He has little fight left in him."

Margret hurries to the balcony, "Opal!" she calls, but he is already there, her cries bedded in the stallions mind before her voice can reach the air.  She jumps on his back, allowing Dominious' weapon to return as ring, giving her a hold of Opal's main between his armor.

The unipeg sweeps into the sky through dark clouds from the evidence of war, before ascending above it. Margret doesn't have to direct him, he understands her mission and destination, lowering himself to the Cepaen people, Margret shooting her sword allowing them to land past the vampires trying to attack. The healers are in a shield of light, they are grabbing the wounded and dragging them to the safeguarded area while healing them. "I need a healer to the castle," she screams at them, searching for Zulima in the chaos.

An unknown healer, a male, quickly approaches her, how do I get there, "Opal." she nods toward the unipeg, helping the thin man on his back, pausing him before take off, "Where's Zulima?"

He shrugs, "Here, somewhere."

She accepts his answer, giving Opal a tap on the nape, allowing him to get the healer to Lucas without her. "Zulima!" she yells into the crowd, over gun fire and screams, stretching her neck and slaying those who dive to attack.

Through the fog and rain she sets eyes on Colm, about twenty yards away, using his bow as a weapon, his legs kicking at those who are too close. Natika, is opposite of him, sword in hand, back toward Colm, working with him. She observes for a second before stabbing another vampire that launches at her, finally having visual of Zulima trying to drag a man to the lighted shelter of the healers. "Zulima!" Margret calls to her from across the battle, charging toward her to help.

Zulima pauses and gives her a brief acknowledgment while continuing her duty. Almost to her, a shadowy figure rises from behind Zulima, a hand pushing through her chest, her heart exposed to the outside for a brief moment before being tugged backward. Margret's mouth drops to her chin, trying to grab her breath, witnessing Zulima's wabblely neck lead her body to thud against the ground. There stands Lucius, her heart in his hand, he throws it on top of her in disgust, ready to finish off the injured man she was trying to rescue. Margret bellows in emotional agony, shooting at him before he has a chance to realize she was observing, disintegrating one of the most powerful vampires to dust before he even has a chance to react. She dashes to Zulima, trying to push her heart back into her bloody chest, "Colm! Colm!" she wails, finding him when the lighting brightens the sky, an arrow flinging into a vampire saving Natika from it's fangs.

"Colm!" she shrieks, tear rushing her chin, her echo finally piercing his mind, he turns behind him, seeing her yards away on the battle field, craddling Zulima in a pool of blood that the rain tries to wash away.

 He scurries forward, letting his bow hit the few remaining enemy that try to interfere. Margret pleas to him, observing as he is comprehending what has happened. "Heal her," Margret begs, trying to hold Zulima's heart in her chest.

"I....I...I can't," Colm's voice is lost.

"Try!" Margret commands, "Try! You have to try!"

"She's gone. I can't bring her back from the light." he explains struggling to understand the loss.

"That's the biggest load bullshit! You are a damn healer! Try!" she bawls.

Colm does what she begs, placing his hands over Zulima's heart, Margret holding it in place, his hands glow brightly, and her body slowly begins to repair itself, arteries fusing to the heart, repairing each valve.

"It's working," Margret breaths hopeful, allowing Zulima's body to hold the organ that was once in her hand, "It's working!"

Colm breaks from the repaired tissue, exhausted from the task, gazing at Margret as she contentiously taps Zulima's cheek, "Wake up, Zulima. Wake up, come on..."

"She's gone..." Colm's eyes get soggy as he struggles for Margret's understanding, "She's already to the light..."

Margret ignores him, placing herself over Zulima, begining chest compressions.

"What are you doing...?" Colm effortlessly fights to understand.

"CPR. Get her heart beating again. Help me. When I tell you, tilt her head and give her air." she instructs, working off adrenaline, thrusting her palms against Zulima's body.

"She's gone..." Colm slowly confirms through chest compressions.

"Help me when I tell you!" she continues to push, the battle dying around them, vampires left of the living surrendering, "People come back all the time, just have to get their body working again..." she explains between thrust. "Pinch the nose, blow."

Colm stares at her emphatically.

"Fine, I'll do it." she snaps, giving Zulima a couple breaths of air and continuing.

"We don't come back. Our bodies don't work again once we've reached the light, which is rather quickly." he places his hand on her wrist trying to break her, "Margret, she's gone."

"How do you know? Have you ever died?" she snaps, stopping the CPR, staring in his eyes, now feeling him pressing against her soul trying to soothe her. "Stop it!" she angers.

"What?' he begs.

"You don't get to do that! You don't get to try to soothe me when it's your fault she's dead." she falls off of Zulima's waist, allowing her head to rest against her chest, healers now begining to surround them as the war is ending.

"Her body healed because it was not yet cold. But her soul..." Colm gently wants to explain.

"I get it!" She barks at him.

A healer places her hand on Margaret's shoulder, "Let us take her home."

Margret respectfully nods at the woman, shuffling out of the way and allowing the six healers to scoop up Zulima's body, lifting above their heads, honoring Zulima with a soft solemn whistle, as a dove might coo, carrying her away.

Margret hears Opal from behind her, Colm tries to wrap his fingers in hers for comfort but she flings them away, rushing to the unipeg. "Lucas!" she shouts as he leaps from behind the wings. She hugs him tightly, "You are okay!"

"Yes, very good health. Thank you for your action." He curiously notices her damp eyes.

Searching around Opal she inquires, "Is the healer okay? Where is he?"

"He's alive and well. Some other healers and soldiers have taken on the castle. They are offering the survivors redemption. Many were once good Romania people, and if we can give them as much as their life back we want to try." he explains, his eyes shifting toward Colm who takes Margret's side.
"Tears? I missed something...." he begins, breaking when his view of the six healers carrying Zulima's body over the battlefield reveals itself. "Oh, I..." his words fall in the back of his throat, grasping that idea that no content will be of comfort. He folds Margret's fist in between his, tugging her slightly closer, "You've lost much today. I will be here as needed, while you process events through out these next few weeks, leading to months and years. It won't be easier, but your heart will learn to numb the grief, and your mind will teach itself to cope with the images from today."

She leans in, hugging Lucas again, "Thank you." Colm awkwardly lingering, trying to touch her arm for extra comfort as she releases Lucas.

"Get...off....of....me." She articulates, tilting her head in Colm's direction, avoiding his eyes.

"Margret, I'm here... you need to let me..." Colm prepares but Margret pushes past him to Opal. "Margret." He slightly tugs at her wrist, with an attempt of retrieval.

Her eyes meet his, and she scoffs in disgust, "You be here for me? Where were you for her? That was how I asked you to be here for me... but we were only on the battlefield protecting her." Margret's finger flings accusingly, in the direction of Natika, who is clueless of the conflict pursueing.

"I...I thought Zulima was in the healer shield. I didn't know..." Colm weakly explains.

"You didn't know because you were too busy with her. And now Zulima is dead because you failed to protect as I specifically asked. I saw the visions. I asked of the one thing, and you..." Margret shakes her head, curving away, and touching Opal's neck, ready to ascend.

"Wait..." Colm struggles.

Margret ignores him, leaping over the armor and onto Opal.

"Margret, you can't just leave. It is our duty to communicate and comfort one another. You are my soulmate." Colm's voice strains with loss.

"Just because we are soulmates, doesn't mean we are meant to be together." Margret gives her final argument, very matter of fact, before soaring into the dark sky.

Colm hurries over to Nacreous, ready to climb, when Lucas stops him, "Man, what are you doing?"

"I must follow her. Her anger is clouding her heart." Colm's voice distressed and confused.

"Look, Colm, I know she's part of your world, but she's also part of this world. Women from our world, they need the space...but not too much space, or then they will think you don't care. Give her the break she is yearning for. Let her process all this, grieve in her own way and then be there." Lucas advises.

"I did not choose Natika's life over Zulima's... she must understand this." Colm worries.

"You can't talk sense into a jealous woman. You will be blue in the face but your words will only continue to roll like movie credits past her eyes. Let her be, for now." Lucas pats Colm on the shoulder with reassurance, turning attention to a solider running toward him to seek command.

Colm strokes Nacreous, in the moment still deciding, he takes a deep breath, "Okay, Nacreous, let us help the people here. It is where we are most useful." Colm gives a final peak into the sky, as the flying dot of Margret  fades.

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